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vikingprincess February 21 2011, 17:56:02 UTC
Hearing about your nephew makes me really glad that I am strongly influencing the reading tastes of my brothers' kids -- because your nephew sounds like a ton of fun. So far, I've given them Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, So You Want to be a Wizard, Hardy Boys, the good old school Nancy Drew, faerie tales, and so on. Otherwise I fear that they would be very dull people, like my brother and his wife. Hopefully they'll grow up with imaginations and creativity.


dodger_sister February 22 2011, 05:21:02 UTC
My nephew is made of awesome - thank you. His mom is pretty cool too. His dad used to be, when I had more influence on him, but now he is all history military buff and that's not really appropriate for his kid just yet. His mom and I go to the Narnia movies and the Harry Potter movies and she's into SPN, so that's a good influence. It's my older brother's kid I am most worried about - they live in Canada, we see them once a year and my older bro and his wife only watch reality tv and she doesn't watch Star Wars or Star Trek or anything because, and I quote, "I don't like space."

You are doing the Hardy Boys (talk about incestuous brothers - wait, we weren't talking about incestuous brothers? - my bad, lol) - that's old school, I salute you. What is So You Want To Be a Wizard?


vikingprincess February 22 2011, 12:16:25 UTC
So You Want to be a Wizard is an amazing series by Diane Duane (who also wrote some of the very best Star Trek TOS novels) that predates Harry Potter, has epic battles of good versus evil, teaches responsibility/science/history, creates the most amazing world within our own, and is STILL being written! It also covers pain and loss and sacrifice, but without preachiness.

I like HP, but I ADORE this series more than can be adequately expressed. (There are cat wizards. And alien wizards. And whale wizards!!)


dodger_sister February 22 2011, 21:33:21 UTC
Shit - I think I need to get this book series - The Nephew is currently obsessed with both Aliens and Wizards. Like, he decided that there were aliens that could only be destroyed by a magic wizard wand and so the X-Men had to go find it. (yes, we play action figures A LOT!). He would like this book, I think. Well, maybe when he is a little older.

I'm not horrendously obsessed with HP, but I like it surprisingly more than I expected to. Narnia is my children's series of choice and The Nephew is really into that.


vikingprincess February 22 2011, 23:56:20 UTC
Narnia and The Lord of the Rings were the first fantasy series I ever read - I don't remember how early I read Narnia, but I know it was before LoTR, which I started at, um (does fast math) age ten. So I guess the Hobbit was before then, too.

The Narnia books are the only ones out of what we've mentioned (except the first Wizard book) that are actually the RIGHT length to be made into a movie without leaving out the good bits!


dodger_sister February 24 2011, 06:54:39 UTC
My mom read us two or three of the Narnia series every year growing up. I remember sitting in on those readings as young as four. I started reading them on my own in the second/third grade ( ... )


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