A Spring Break Weekend!

Apr 05, 2016 19:45

So I actually had a really nice weekend. Sis took The Nephew to Chicago for his spring break trip. They met some friends at the Field Museum so they could go to the Greek exhibit. He was disappointed there weren't more mythology things, as it was more Greek history than anything. But they still had a good time. It was Sis and her college roommate and her roommate's twin 8 year old girls. Sis and TN stayed the first night at a hotel halfway to Chicago that had a pool and the second night in Chicago with the roommate and twins. Sunday Sis met hiyacynth downtown for some shopping while the college roommate took The Nephew out Geocaching, which he went nuts for. And at the Field Musuem The Nephew bought this little worry stone that had a fossilized imprint of an owl on it. He thought it looked cool, but then when Sis explained to him what a worry stone was he decided to buy it for me, as I have been talking very openly with him about my anxiety lately, in the hopes he won't feel so alone about his own anxiety issues.

Anyways, sounds like they had a good time. But this left me with the house for the weekend, so I asked The BFF if she would stay all weekend so we could have some special friend time without Sis. (We love Sis but time for just the two of us is awesome). She came after work on Friday and we got wings from Pizza Hut and cheesy bread and cinnamon sticks (not as good as I thought they'd be) and a whole thing of brownies and pigged out and started S3 of Orange Is the New Black. (Thus far not as good as previous seasons, but I am happy they are giving flashback eps for some of the more sidelined characters).

Then on Saturday we went out shopping. The BFF had gotten some of those new no-lace sneakers and I tried them and they seemed perfect for me, as I can't bend down enough to reach to tie my shoes. So we went and got me some of those for $30 at Payless Shoes and then we weren't hungry yet, so we went to browse at Target and I managed to finally find a new pair of jeans that I liked, as I couldn't find any last time but tapered or skinny jeans or ones with pre-made holes in them. Then we went to our favorite diner and got coney dogs and chili cheese fries and root beer and then came home and binged more OITNB. We even managed a few eps on Sunday before BFF had to head home to do laundry (ugh, grown-up things).

I am still exhausted, but it was so worth it! What a fun weekend! Now I'm going to curl up and watch the Detroit Tigers play their first game of the season!

the nephew, shopping is a vice, worrying walrus, orange is the new black, my girls, the bff is my bestest best friend, tv show blahblahblahing, i need a sugardaddy, vacation - all i ever wanted, real life, do you like waffles, sister oh sister

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