I have very little to say on the matter, except...omgomgomgomg!
No, really, I have all of this to say - OMG, what should I do with my hair? What should I wear? Which photo ops should I get? Should I even get any other photo ops? (I've already got a Jared/Misha, do I need anything else really?)
I've been to SPN Conventions before, but this time I'm taking The Cousin. She's 15 and has been watching SPN for about a year. She's never done anything like this, ever. She is both extremely nervous and extremely excited.
So, she's pretty much right where I'm at on the whole thing too.
On the up, today her dad (my first cousin) said she's good to miss a day of school, which means we'll be leaving on Thursday night and heading to Chicago. My sister and The BFF will be driving with us to visit our friend
hiyacynth, while The Cousin and I are at CHICAGO CON!!! <--that felt like it needed to be in capital letters, with some exclamation points.
Anyway - um, anybody else going? I think we're bringing SPN Life the board game. It's fun. We could probably arrange some game time in our room on Saturday evening.
Lastly, if you are going, see that Creation Entertainment is helping some wonderful fangirls do some good. Food Drive for a Chicago Shelter, here are the links I have on that -
What I got through Matt Cohen's Twitter (that I swear I am not reading, I swear, I don't even have Twitter!) -
here What I got through following some chatter on a fandom friend's LJ -
here That is all.
3 WEEKS!!!!!!