I Am In Love...

Feb 24, 2015 16:33

…with a cat. Okay, let me start by saying that I think my sister’s biological clock is screaming at her that time is running out, but instead of being all, “I want to have a kid!”, she wants to adopt a French Bulldog puppy and dress it up in little outfits. This is actually right on target for her. But there are some issues with this idea. Like disrupting the cats in the house. The amount of time it would take to house-train the dog. The amount a Frenchie costs. The health issues they have. The fact that we are against buying from breeders. The fact that we are against breeding dogs that will knowingly have major health issues and high risk of death. The way they actually breed these particular dogs - (look it up if you want to know, but don’t say I didn’t warn you). On the other hand, Frenchies are cute as fuck and make the most adorable noises and are so good-tempered about everything. At this point, my sister has decided that getting a dog on a whim is a bad idea and that she needs to do more research and wait 6 months. If she is still serious about it then, we will revisit the idea. This all sounds reasonable.

But in the meantime, I went on the internet to local shelters and humane societies to try to find another small, good-tempered dog that might fit her bill and erase all those pesky moral issues I am having with the idea. And instead of finding a dog - (though Betty the Beagle was totally cute and I personally have always wanted a beagle) - I found a cat.

A beautiful amazing cat. Her name is Maleficent and she is 8 years old and timid, but gets on well with other cats. (Not dogs though, which would be a problem if we got the Frenchie). I fell in love with her at once.

And my sister says I can have her if I want, but then I can’t get kittens when Roo dies. I have been wanting kittens since I lost Papa Bear - (I already have their names picked out, Kenzi & Parker) - but our house rule is that when the older ones pass, we get new kittens. Then when the next set pass, we get new kittens. So that we will always have a set of senior cats and set of younger cats in the house. My boys are the older set and I lost Buddy in October, so the next set will be mine. Unless I get Maleficent. When the write-up said she was ‘senior’ I thought like 12 or something. But no, she is 8. Which means she’ll live another 5 years at least. Five years when you have my health and my body is a lifetime. It could very well actually mean ‘never’ because who knows my state in five years. And more importantly, Roo has paid his dues. He waited out Papa and Buddy and he spent 3 years living at my mom’s when I was in the apartment and now it is his time to have Mommy all to himself. He isn’t an overly affectionate cat or super clingy, but since Buddy died he has gotten territorial about me. I am his mommy, no one else come near me. But Idk, maybe Maleficent won’t be an overly needy cat. Or maybe Roo won’t give a shit that she is here. Idk, the right thing to do for the cats we have now is to not get her, but she is so beautiful and I feel heartbroken, like for real, not to be able to have her. But I also want Roo to enjoy his golden years the most that he can, because I love my beautiful boy and he is the last of my babies.

My sister asked me what I want to do and I said, “I want to get Maleficent and I want to get Kenzi & Parker and I want Roo to live forever.”

photos - pets, social issues, worrying walrus, real life, furry family, cats are squishy fun!, sister oh sister

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