Fic: Alone in the Darkness - PG, Alex Krycek, Angst, AU, Drabble

Dec 03, 2014 16:15

Posting this up in honor of rhymephile's birthday yesterday. Happy Birthday, babe! It's an older fic and I was trying to figure out how old I was when I wrote it and I had to be 25 or so at the time. I am 36 now. It's baffling sometimes to think about how long I have been doing this fandom thing. Baffling in a good way though! Anyways, have an introspective vampire Krycek drabble! Enjoy!

Title: Alone in the Darkness
Author: The Artful Dodger / dodger_sister
Fandom: The X-Files
Category: Angst, Altered-Reality, Drabble, General
Characters/Pairings: Alex Krycek
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: None.
Summary: Krycek is a vampire, alone in the dark.
Word Count: 187 words.
Date Written: Idk, let’s say 2004-ish.
Disclaimer: Not mine. The characters and all belong to Chris Carter, FOX network and some other people most likely. Don't sue, all you'll get is my car and it's a piece of junk.
Feedback: That’d be lovely. dodger_sister /
Beta’d: Nope.
Author's Notes: I wrote this at Halloween time and also while I was trying to figure out how Krycek could survive that bullet to the head. But I got to admit, there's something extremely sexy about Krycek as a vampire.

They hadn't given him a choice. They had made him this way.

Alex ran his fingers along the soft flesh of his neck. He could feel the two small puncture wounds there. Barely visible, yet they had changed his life forever.

The end of mankind would no longer be the end of Alex Krycek.

He despised what he had become.

Yet, he could not help wondering what it would feel like to sink his teeth into soft flesh, taste blood, bring another into his own personal darkness.

Who would choose to live like this? Who would ask for a life of darkness when they could have light?

Fox Mulder would. He did. Mulder had spent his whole life being swallowed by shadows.

And Mulder fought to prove to others that his life's work was not in vain. But Alex was beginning to wonder if Mulder's quest was really about uncovering secrets, finding out the truth about his sister.

Or maybe Fox Mulder was just trying to pull others into the shadows with him.

Alex Krycek knew about shadows. He knew about being alone.

Alone in the darkness.

The End

fic - altered reality, word count - 01 to 500, fic - angst, fic - drabble, written - 2004, fic - general, rating - pg, character - alex krycek, fandom - the x-files, fiction - mine

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