Media Meme!

Jul 09, 2013 15:56

1. What was the last book you read? - Miss Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children.
2. What was the last TV show you watched? - Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
3. What was the last movie you watched? - Independence Day-Saster.
4. What was the last album you listened to? - Louden Swain’s ‘A Brand New Hurt’.
5. What was the last video game you played? - Bejeweled Blitz.
Bonus Round: What was the last fanfic you read? Space Heater.

Quick thoughts under the cut…
1. It’s about a teen whose grandfather has been telling him crazy stories of the orphanage full of strange children he grew up in. After his grandfather dies, the teen decides to go to the orphanage to learn more about his grandfather’s life, obviously not believing the stories are true. Of course, what he finds is very unexpected. I started this once and got jarred out of it by the sudden inclusion of timey-whimey-ness, but I decided to try again and am very glad I did. It’s about these mutant children, discoveries of the past, WWII’s struggles - (when the grandfather lived in the home) - but mostly about finding yourself, as a teenager, struggling to know who you are and where you belong. It was creepy, adventure-filled, emotional and had me guessing up until the end what course the boy would choose for his future. And though it ended at a good life choice spot, I really wanted to know what happened next. I found it has a sequel though! The best part was that the author used authentic found pictures throughout the book as the photos from the grandfather’s collection of pictures of these strange children and some of them do have me marveling that these are real photos. It added such a great element to the book and was such a unique idea, really. Highly recommend!

2. I’m rewatching season 3 - (wow, I forgot how heavy those first two episodes are). Last night was 3.4, the Oz episode of angst and damn, but his pain is So Good For Me.

3. It was a SyFy channel movie, don’t judge me! Tom Everett Scott played the President! It was a blatant rip-off of Independence Day though, right down to the speech about how this holiday was about taking back America and the world. I kept predicting what was going to happen next, joking about how I should be writing for SyFy. At one point I said, “They can just wait for us to die out,” and the character says right after me, “They can just wait for us to die out.” I started laughing so hard. Best line was the President to the teen hacker who was hacking into the Pentagon: “Aliens have invaded the world. Thumbs up to felonies.”

4. I finally downloaded it and I love it as much as I did when I used to listen to it on their website. PopTart Heart used to be my favorite, and I still love it, but Downtown Letdown is my new favorite, followed closely by Better.

5. Yes, still! I have held the high score for weeks - 457,900 - my sister can’t beat me!

6. It popped on my Flist last night, right before bed, 3 comment-fics. I’m partially to #3 myself, though they were all pretty awesome! It’s Battlestar Galactica kink and I swear, 70% of why I love Laura Roslin is all fragrantwoods’s fault!

comfort movies - jurassic impact day, music blahblahblahing, rob benedict - hobbitsized rockstar, fic rec, poll/meme thingy, buffy - i love the scoobies, movie blahblahblahing, tv show blahblahblahing, video games are for cool people now, dirty old lady, books ah books, sister oh sister

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