Since Canada Came Along!

Jul 08, 2013 16:56

So the visit with The Canadians went very well! They are better and better houseguests each time they stay. I have very few gripes and the main one was that I didn’t get to see enough of them! Also, they didn’t say what their plans were going to be, when just knowing when it was they intended to be at the house was all I needed, as it helps enormously with anxiety to know my schedule ahead of time. And they wanted to go out to eat with us, but they didn’t ask until Tuesday when I had therapy and then Wednesday we had to take The Nephew to his ballgame, so I felt bad about that.

But I did get to spend a nice evening on Monday playing the Wii with my brother and his wife. We turned it on for the kids but they lost interest quickly, so we ended up playing for like an hour and that was actually really fun. But hoyboy are those two competitive with each other! Also, my s-i-l said to me when they were leaving, “But we did not get to watch any of your teen shows this time!” - (in the past it has been The OC and One Tree Hill) - and I said, “Oh, I have an episode of Teen Wolf we could have watched,” and my brother said, “Uh, we have Teen Wolf in Canada,” all disgusted like and his wife yelled at him, “But it is not the same! I like when she tells me who everyone is and sleeping with and stuff! It is funnier that way!” That made me smile.

As for the kids, The Canadian Niece (age 3 ½) is a little dork. At the fireworks, people had these lanterns that you light and they float up in the sky. At first we didn’t know what they were and someone said, “Maybe it’s a UFO, like aliens.” After that, every time we pointed one out, TCN would go, “Ahahahaha, Aliens! Aliens!” like it was the funniest thing she’d ever heard. Also, at the cookout, my cousin - (picture a big-ass linebacker looking guy) - was blowing bubbles in my niece’s face and she yelled at him, “Time out! Time out!” so he went and sat on the back steps like he was in trouble. Then he goes, “I have to go to the bathroom, can I get up?” and she said ‘yes’ and when he went inside, my aunt tells her, “That was a trick! He just wanted to get up!”. As soon as he comes back, TCN marches right over to him and points at the back steps and yells, “Time out!” and then runs over and tells my aunt, “I put him in time out.” And in the game of ‘baby doll goes caca’, my sister got a granola bar and crumbled it up and put in the diaper like the baby had pooed. TCN had a face to make at my sister for being so silly. The next day she went to play with the baby doll and discovered my sister had put a Hershey’s Kiss in there - you know, cuz the baby went caca!

The Canadian Nephew (age 2) is also awesome - he does all these faces and voices, like if you ask him to do The Exorcist, he makes this strange gurgling noise and for Monster he makes this crazy face where his eyes all bulge out and he pushes his jaw forward - it’s hysterical! I swear this kid is going to be a comedian when he grows up. His favorite thing to do was to play with the drum set and have me yell, “Rockstar! Rockstar!” and then do the ‘Rocking Kiss’ pose with the tongue and fingers. He thought that was the best game ever.

We also went to The Nephew’s (age 7) last ball game of the year, as he needed a ride, and then he came home with us for the night. He got this awesome hit, all the way to shortstop - (most of the kids don’t hit past the pitching mound) - and the entire crowd went crazy for him, even people on the other team. I felt very proud. He also fielded a great ball that bounced off his chest and into his glove and he said later it actually hurt, but he didn’t hesitate, just pulled the ball from his glove and threw it straight to first base. We took him to the fireworks with The Canadians after that and the two little ones were barely awake and The Nephew was more interested in fireflies.

So, that was our week, more or less, and I am glad to have my house and my schedule back, but I miss the kids already!

the nephew, sports talk - all about the uniforms, laugh laugh i nearly died, worrying walrus, the office is full of cubicles, family circus, blame canada, one tree hill is my after-school special, video games are for cool people now, aliens probe you, teen wolf - high school with werewolves, real life, drummers get all the hot ladies, fourth of july - explosions in the sky, sister oh sister

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