Go Supreme Court! Suck it, Prop 8!! That’s one more step in the right direction - now let’s keep walking forward!
Today I spent almost two hours at my mother’s, teaching her how to use her computer. She’s had a computer, with one roommate or another, since 2001. The things she doesn’t know how to do yet is staggering; save a picture, drag a file, what her Favorites bar is, how to attach a picture in an email - (she sent me this email saying ‘I know you don’t have Facebook, so I sent you this picture of the baby!’ with just a link to the Facebook page which I obviously cannot access). I taught her many things, including how to do proper maintenance on her computer, which she’d never done before. She is utterly terrified of the thing and this is coming from me, who is pretty damn daunted by technology. I told her not to be afraid and just to try stuff out and look around and get to know her computer a little. She told me I was a very good teacher, which was actually quite nice, but hoyboy it was a long afternoon.
In other news, my sister still thinks it is funny to move Bilbo around from room to and make him do ridiculous things, especially to leave him in odd places in an attempt to startle me when I wake up. So far the only one that has gotten me is Bilbo in the bathroom, because it is the first place I go after getting up and my eyes are only half-open and there is a man in my bathroom! That one got me twice, once in my early morning pee and then again when I woke up for the day. Pervert, that Bilbo, watching me pee.
Bilbo in the kitchen on party day! & Bilbo drinks tea.
Bilbo watches TV. & Bilbo takes a nap.
Bilbo takes a shower (and scares the crap out of me).
Thorin's Map! & Bonus!Watchers.
I have come up with a few places to put him to make her laugh - I just left him propped up on the toilet with my Book Of Dragons open in front of him. That seemed like the kind of thing Bilbo would read in the bathroom. Tomorrow I’m going to leave him in her computer chair and open her internet to some Bilbo/Thorin MPreg on the screen in front of him.
In other other news, The Canadian Invasion is happening on Saturday. My brother and his family will be here from the 29th to the 5th, so I will be around, just scarcer. I am actually looking forward to their visit this year, now that the kids are older and my brother seems to understand that I need my down-time lest I have a seizure again - (the seizure will likely not happen as long I never again pierce my head on the bathroom cabinet, but he’s kind of let off feeling like he has to include me in All The Things since then). I also have a graduation party on Saturday for a kid who went to one of the daycares I used to work at. I hate graduation parties, especially when you don’t know a ton of people there, but it was really really nice of her (or more precisely her mom) to think of me. They lived in my old neighborhood for years and came by every Halloween so she could trick-or-treat, but I probably haven’t seen her since she was 11, so this will be nice. I have fic to go up tomorrow and then hopefully I’ll be around whenever The Canadians are visiting with other people!