Jun 24, 2013 20:51
The Nephew just spent 30 minutes talking my ear off, mostly about this book series he is reading called “Captain Underpants”. Also about the Lego LotR game he is playing, He kept calling Gimli…‘Grimli’. He told me, “When I was in the mines, Grimli kept crying and crying over that one grave, which I don’t even know what it was, and then I couldn’t even use him because he was crying so much.” I had to explain to him how it was Balin’s grave.
I have been watching the ‘Batman: Brave and the Bold’ cartoon that he loaned me. They had a pretty cool episode where Batman and Green Arrow went to Camelot. Morgana turned into a dragon! But in one episode, there’s this guy, Dead Man, who is a ghost that can possess people and then use their bodies to fight crime. He jumped into a random passerby to use him to help Batman and I yelled at the TV, “Dubious consent issues!”. Then later when Dead Man needed to use Speedy, Batman says to Green Arrow, “Is it okay if we borrow Speedy for a minute?” and Speedy goes, “Wait…borrow me how?” and then Dead Man jumps into Speedy’s body and I went, “Why are you asking Green Arrow? What is he even…Speedy’s dom?”. It was at this point that I started cursing the Supernatural fandom and how it has warped and ruined me forever. Because it has.
In Canadian Nephew news, he turned 2 about a month ago and recently he was at the table eating and my brother had his back to him when all of a sudden TCN yells, “Fuck!” and my brother whips around and goes, “What did you just say?” and TCN goes, “I dropped my fuck, daddy.” Apparently when he says ‘fork” he drops the ‘r’ and it sounds a lot like he is saying ‘fuck’. So he hears my brother telling me this story and he thinks it must be funny, so suddenly in the background I hear him go, “Fok, fok, fok, spoooon,” and then laughing hysterically at himself. In the same conversation, my brother and I were talking about our favorite episodes of Psych and he tells me that his favorite is the “Hangover”-esque one where Woody keeps going around telling everyone how he spooned Lassiter - “I spooned that guy”. Of course, TCN, who is still laughing uproariously at his ‘fork-spoon’ joke, hears his dad quote this line and shouts out, “I spoon that guy!” We, naturally, lost our shit laughing. Now my brother is worried that his kid will go up to random people and say, “I spoon that guy. Fuck.”
Also, recently The Canadian Brother & family moved into a new house. but they had to stop back at the old place. Canadian Nephew was running through the old empty house screaming at the top of his lungs because that’s what you do in empty houses. But The Canadian Niece, all of 3 ½, just stood in the doorway with her little arms crossed on her chest and said in her most 13-year old voice, “Oh, not this place again.” Good to know she doesn’t have separation anxiety from her old house!
That is all.
batman - can i ask you something,
cartoons are for everyone!,
psych is my summer squee,
the nephew,
lassiter is a bamf,
laugh laugh i nearly died,
lord of the rings took my virginity,
family circus,
blame canada,
tv show blahblahblahing,
video games are for cool people now,
real life,
dirty old lady,
kurt aka zachariah aka woody,
books ah books