Weekend Update With Dodger_Sister.

Jun 17, 2013 20:18

So the Birthday Weekend went very well! The weather was not 100% but we worked around it. We were outside with our feet in the pool for a half hour or so when it started to rain. It was just sprinkles and our feet were already wet, so what the hell. But then it started to rain harder. Luckily there is an overhang where we have the picnic table and the grill, so we could stay outside. And why yes, we did watch The Hobbit for the 5th or 6th time since it came out in the theater - what of it? We also watched the Community Paintball Trilogy, the pilot of Defiance, some S2 SPN (Nightshifter & Folsom Prison Blues) and the girls watched some Pretty Little Liars in the morning.

There was great food too, like an orgasm in my mouth. The grilled apricot was like a taste explosion! And the chicken and veggies were glazed with some kind of peanut sauce and it was heavenly. But the best were the tiny little potatoes. Besides being all wee and cute (and purple!) they were the best thing my mouth has ever tasted. I'm not even kidding. We had the leftovers tonight and I have never been so excited for dinner in my life. It was ridiculous. (And there is just enough left for one more meal!)

Oh, also...dudes, The Sister's BFF brought her one extra present I didn't know about. She got her the official WETA replica of Thorin's map! It's so cool. And if you hold it up to the light, you can see the runes!! My sis is going to take it in to a framing place and see if they can help her get a light-box for it. I can't wait for The Nephew to see it!

The only downside was my mother trying to insert herself into the weekend. I know she is the birthday girl's mom and all, but I was very specific about wanting my sister to have the weekend away from all her normal things and to just spend it with her BFF - (who she only gets to see twice a year and who hasn't been to visit in Michigan since 2011). But on Friday my mom called and was like, "What time is this thing?" I had been emphasizing over and over for weeks to my mom how this wasn't going to be a 'thing' or a ‘party', because my mom has this bad habit of inviting people to things that they aren't actually invited too. (Once she invited herself and a bunch of other people to the christening/luncheon for my cousin's kid's baptism. Which, obvs, my cousin was not prepared for). So I reiterated, "It's not a thing. It's just Oselle visiting for the weekend." - "Oh well. when is cake? Because you said I could come for cake." Uh, no, I did not. I told my sister she could invite whoever she wanted, but I don't presume to invite people to other people's parties. And my sister opted not to invite anyone at all - no cousins, brother. work friends - because she gets to spend so little time with her bff as it is. So I very forcefully told my mom, "She's not doing anything this weekend. She's not taking any calls, no one's to stop over, no one's to bother her. This is her weekend." Because my sister spends so much time doing for others and being polite and nice and putting others ahead of herself and for just one weekend, I wanted her to not have to put anyone in front of her own needs.

What did my mom do? She bought my sister some flowers and brought them over - which seems like a nice gesture, but she did it just so she had an excuse to come over when I told her not to. Then she told my sister, "I can't stay because I'm was told that I'm not allowed to be here," and my sister started to make polite excuses and I said, "No, she's right. That's what I said." I don’t care - I’ll be the bad guy as long as no one bothers my sister with stupid shit. The Sister said it was fine and she liked the flowers, but to me it was a very clear passive-aggressive ‘fuck you’ from Mom, delivered straight to me. That’s how my mom rolls - she makes it look like she is just trying to do something nice so she can play the victim about it. /shakes head/

That minor annoyance aside...Very. Excellent. Weekend.

community - study group, weather or not, my girls, the bff is my bestest best friend, family circus, spn love, the hobbit - unexpected adventures, real life, asshats, do you like waffles, thorin being majestic, sister oh sister

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