Happy 40th To The Best Sister In The World!

Jun 15, 2013 12:26

It's my sister's 40th birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SIS!!!

Her BFF flew in for the weekend and The BFF is making special dinner tonight - (you should all be envious, she is a fabulous cook!) - and we all got my sister some very ridiculous fandomy presents; including the Giles/'Randy' Giles/Wesley action figure set, a Bilbo standee, the official Hobbit movie poster, a ukulele & a gift certificate to a day spa. The BFF made a Green Dragon sign, the "No Admittance Except On Party Business" sign and a birthday sign and I picked up ridiculous party extras like plates and cups and stuff - (that are technically listed as being for a 1st birthday party but that we are using for this 40th birthday party, which amuses me) - and a bright pink tablecloth that made the room a little extra festive.

The wading pool is full up with water and the grill is out and my brother is taking care of all my parents needs this weekend, so my sister can sit outside in her lawn chair with her beer and her girls and enjoy herself! (Now if only the sun would peek back out.)

She deserves it, because the thing about my sister is…she will always be there for you. If you need something and she can help, she will. I have zero doubt in my mind that my high quality of life is because of her. I don't even know if I would still be alive right now if it weren't for her. She does so much for so many people and honestly there is just not enough ways for me to show my gratitude.

From the day I came home from the hospital at three days old and she gave me her baby doll, to all the things she has done for me this week alone - she has always been like a mother to me. She is awesome and funny and a pain in my ass…and I love her.

mini-me - childhood, shopping is a vice, birthdays, my girls, the bff is my bestest best friend, family circus, spike - my vampire boyfriend, the hobbit - unexpected adventures, real life, emotional waxing, giles is a sexy beast librarian, do you like waffles, sister oh sister

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