New Arrival!

Feb 04, 2013 20:23

Just got back from the hospital where I held my new niece for the first time!!! That’s right, she’s finally here!!! 7 lbs, 15 ounces, 20 inches long and a little smattering of dark hair on her head!

My sis-in-law went to the doctor for a checkup today and they decided to induce her. They broke her water and before they could even get the medicine for inducing into her system, she was having contractions. She was only in labor for two hours! My s-i-l said that she actually went from having no contractions to having them less than a minute apart in just under an hour, which is insanely fast - (and according to her, ‘very painful and not fun at all’). She didn’t even have a chance to get anything for the pain before they were telling her to push.

My brother actually said they were waiting on the doctor or he thinks The Niece would have come even faster. Apparently my brother was born at 1:03 pm in that hospital and The Nephew was born at 1:03 pm in that hospital and the new baby just missed it, being born at 1:20.

So Mom and baby are doing well and she is beautiful, as was expected. Now I am gearing up for round two of being the coolest aunt ever! It’s going to be double-duty from now on in the fun-aunt department!

And speaking of nieces, I have a story about The Canadian Niece for you. My brother bought some land and they plan on building a house on it, but they have to cut down some trees first to clear out space. So The Canadian Niece is three now and the other day my brother tells her that he has to go out for a little bit, he’ll be back soon, he just has to go to the new land and cut down some trees so they can have a new house.

My niece grabs him by the arm and yells, “No, Daddy, no! Don’t! The Lorax will be mad and he’ll come get you!” I don’t even know what to think about that except that a) Look at my little hippie! I’m so proud! And b) I was actually always terrified of the Lorax too and I can’t remember why. He just freaked me out.

Anyways, Yay new baby to spoil! That is all.

the nephew, mini-me - childhood, real life, the niece, family circus, blame canada

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