Professor, It's Time You Got Out Of There.

Feb 03, 2013 19:52

The new niece is still not here. I know a week over the due date - (what my sis-in-law is today) - is not that uncommon. Except that the baby dropped three weeks ago. And also like two weeks ago the doctor told her that she was 4 centimeters dilated and 30% effaced - (if you don't know what that means, be grateful that someone didn't explain it to you in graphic detail) - and that basically means that she is already 1/3 of the way ready to, uh, 'go'. She’s at 5 centimeters now and you have to be at 10 before they will let you start pushing, so she'll basically only have half the time that one normally would to get her ass to the hospital. And since they live over an hour out in the middle of nowhere-ville, they have been spending a lot of time here in town, to stay closer to the hospital. Which has been nice - we never see this much of them! Mostly I just feel bad for my s-i-l, because she is very, very uncomfortable right now - (the baby bump actually looks like it has dropped into her girly parts, like she is literally carrying the kid between her legs now and it looks very not good).

So they were in town all weekend and spent last night with friends and we got to keep The Nephew all for ourselves! We played some Wii and man, I need to get back on that because I could tell how much my shoulder has tightened up since I stopped playing. Also, I suck and need to practice because that was just a sad show. Then we played some X-Men UNO - (yes, they are UNO cards with X-Men on them!). At one point, The Nephew had to draw a bunch of cards and he goes, really quiet and conspiratorially, "I am such a hacker. You don't even know the cards I am getting right now. One of this and one of that. Man, I am just hacking it." I don't know what he thinks that word means! He continued to tell us throughout the game, "I'm a total hacker, you guys. You don't even know." He heard that word somewhere and thinks it applies to anytime he is being stealth, which I guess, in a way, it could work like that. Man, I love that kid.

In weather news, it is basically the apocalypse. Last Sunday it was 9 degrees outside - (which, in Fahrenheit, means more than 20 degrees below freezing). Then it started sleeting. Then snowing. And then in the early morning hours, sleeting again. Which, of course, left a layer of ice, covered by snow, covered by more ice. It went all the way up to 20 degrees on Monday, but the roads kept a lot of people home, including my sister. On Tuesday, I woke up to 57 degrees outside, an almost 40 degree bump up overnight, and thunderstorms all day long. The temps have been slowly going back down all week and are currently at about 20 degrees outside. Also, it has been basically snowing non-stop since Friday afternoon. It hasn't been crazy snow or anything, just a near-constant downward drift of white fluff that has resulted in about 4 inches of snow so far. Apparently it is going to continue doing this, 2 to 4 inches a day, every day, until Thursday. The end result of which will be over a foot of snow.

IDEK. But hey, I saw the sun for about ten minutes today and that is the first sighting of it in about ten days, so yay that!

weather or not, the nephew, real life, the niece, family circus, x-men are hardcore hottie heroes

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