Snippets from the past two weeks

Jul 11, 2007 06:58

Annika used to sleep until at least 7am, but recently she has been waking up at 5 or 6am and promptly pooping. I wonder if this schedule means she's ready for toilet training? The only problem is she's far too restless to sit on her potty, so the thought of taking off her diaper and trying to get her to poop on her potty fills me with dread :P

Some other crazy things she does:
  • At daycare when she goes to lie down on the mattress, one of the frökar sits down beside her and says "Sssh, sssh" to get her to sleep (and to muffle the sounds of the older kids playing outside). Annika says "Sssh, sssh" back :P
I was hoping she would have mastered utensils by now, but no. She seldom eats with a fork and spoon these days and prefers to feed herself with her hands. Pinoy nga! Well, as

  • kupukello said, children go through phases when they want to feel the food with their hands. It's very messy, but normal!
Her appetite's not so big these days. She doesn't eat much at breakfast and dinner, but usually eats a lot at lunch, at least on the days when she stays home from daycare. Speaking of which, she's only going there 3 days this week for 5 hours each day, but will go back to her 7 hours/5 days schedule when I go back to work next week. And a slot has opened up in the daycare right behind our apartment, so we're transferring her there in August. It's only 20 steps outside our door, which will be so much more convenient in the winter... as opposed to her current daycare which is a 15 minute walk away, part of which is uphill or downhill (rebelde talaga kami at ayaw bumili ng kotse).

What she's been busy with: playing Mommy to her Care Bears, pretending to dust the bookshelves, and reading her favorite books. Lastly, she has been spending a lot of time walking around the neighborhood in her rain boots. It's usually cloudy and drizzling in the mornings, and this little outdoorsy girl of mine gets too bored cooped up inside the apartment, so I take her out when the rain stops for a bit. She has a blast stomping in the puddles!

Hmm, as for me, I have 2 vacation days left before I go back to the daily grind on Monday, and what have I accomplished?
  • finished my Nancy Drew, este Kitty books and have bought 4 more books on, and am just waiting for them to be delivered. I also bought some Winnie the Pooh (Nalle Puh in Swedish) books for Bochie, but she doesn't seem to be interested - she prefers Little Princess and Dr. Seuss.
  • went to the bank to get a replacement for my lost ID - which cost 250 SEK :( I really should be more careful with my things.
  • since Bochie broke my glasses, went to an optical shop for new ones - which cost 3,100 SEK :( at tumaas pa grado ko. The doctor who did the eye exam said that was normal for women who were pregnant or had recently given birth.
  • organized Annika's clothes and put away the ones she's outgrown - still undecided about whether I should sell these

I still have to:
  • go through Eina's old Mål 3 book
  • organize the kitchen cabinets
  • organize the two walk-in closets, although I can't do this without Edward's help because he'll get mad if I misplace some of his gadgets and cables and books :P
I don't think I'll be able to do all these in my 5 free hours tomorrow (Bochie stays home on Friday). Good luck sa akin!

random bits of nonsense, annika bea & mommy stuff

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