I swear I have the worst luck

Feb 06, 2007 20:16

So this morning I wake up about 5:30 ish with stomach pains; Cramps, general irritation, and bad "rumbling". I stuck it out till about 6-6:30ish or so, and hell was unleashed in the bathroom. Stuff was coming out from both side (to keep it less graphic). Naturally I stay home from work, because logically im in no condition to work. I call the work folks and go back to sleep. The rest of my day has been either in bed in the fetal position grabbing my stomach cuz it hurt so bad, or laying on the coach with discovery channel on because I didn't want to move and change the channel. I seemed to be best if I moved as little as possible.

Like at New Years, I feel this isn't the flu, because I didn't feel it coming on, typically like you can with the flu. I wasn't achey UNTIL i became dehydrated (because i couldn't move to get a drink). So this marks twice this year already; once at new years and once now where I've gotten food poisoning from something. Even tonight as I type this my stomach still hurts, and is in a knot.  Seriously, is my stomach just that sensitive from my superbowl food muching, or do I just have bad luck? I know the first was infact food poisoning because as I think i've mentioned before in my blog that many people became sick from the wedding reception that we were at.  All the people that were at the super bowl party I was at; none of them are reported as sick.

I swear the world is against me. I have so much to work on this week, and this is not helpping, because I won't be able to go in tomorrow if my stomach still continues to feel like the shiz.


Although I haven't had a physical in probably 7 years this summer (since high school), so I am leaning towards getting one, to make sure everything in me is ticking correctly, and there isn't something causing these illnesses.
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