Mod Post: Membership.

May 09, 2007 17:11

You may have noticed (I think my swearing at you all may have given it away), we've been having some problems with the community. We tried weeding out people whom we thought might be problematic, but problems have persisted since the membership clean-up, so this our last resort. This is not purely due to a lack of commenters, but a problem regarding internal sabotage. Due to the sheer size of the comm, there's nothing else we can really do...

This evening, every member of this community will be removed.

Trustworthy members - those who we know personally or know to be active within the community - will be invited back within the next couple of days.

For others of you, I'm afraid, it will take a bit longer. We'll be operating a new system wherein you will only be able to join the community if you are vouched for by another member of the community. As this is a very popular community, we anticipate this being a bit of a lengthy process, however, hopefully things will be back to something vaguely resembling normal by May 19th.

A newly drawn-up set of rules, particularly detailing membership and vouching for others, will be posted in due course.

Please do not contact the moderators about this. We're no happier about having to do this than you are. We don't want comments in our journals, IMs, or emails. In short, do not get in contact with us until we give the all clear. If you do, you will automatically be black-listed for the community. No ifs, no buts.

I will post a further announcement when we are willing to open membership once again. Please bear with us, and we apologise for the inconvience for the hundreds of well behaved members.

!mod post

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