69 Doctor Who (all Amy, spoilers for The Girl Who Waited) 62 Final Fantasy 50 Misc Doctor Who and Dynasty Warriors 7 Wallpapers Doctor Who Layouts Shirts!
I'm looking for a new DW layout. I like the one I have because it's nice and simple with just the TARDIS. But I've had it for around 2 years (?) and I'd like to change. So if anyone can point me to a nice layout with nothing shippy, I'd love it. Perhaps something with 11, Rory and Amy?
Hi there I was just wondering how to customise my journal? I want to have DW pics for the header and have nice colours, I see so many other people's Journals and want something similar.
It's a long shot, but here it goes: I'm looking for someone who can make a LJ layout with pictures of Eleven and/or Amy. I'm not a wizz kid, so I don't know how to make one. My current layout is kinda old and out of date...
P.S. To the mods: If this isn't allowed, please remove this post. ;)