Something that occurred to me on the driver to see the Anniversary Special.

Nov 26, 2013 12:15

Title: Shriner's Convention
Author: betawho
Characters: 11th Doctor, River Song
Rating: PG
Words: 875

Author's Note: "It was a glorious mess, everybody wears a fez, the parade stretches out for a mile..."

As I was driving to see the Anniversary Special, this old song came on the radio and sounded exactly like the Doctor.

"Shriner's Convention" is a hilarious Ray Stevens song about a man causing all kinds of havoc and disruption at a Shriner's Convention. And it occurred to me, "What if that was 11 and River?"

Listen to the song below, then find out what was really going on in the background:

image Click to view

Meanwhile Back at the Motel...

The Doctor bounced out of the Tardis into the motel room, happy as a grig, fez on his head and still waving like he was still in the parade... ( Read More...)


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