Day of the Doctor Thoughts

Nov 26, 2013 12:02

I don't normally post my thoughts on individual episodes, but I loved "The Day of the Doctor," so I wanted to do it this time. I just (finally!) saw the episode for the first time last night, so bear with me. This will likely be a bit disjointed. Obviously I'm putting it under a cut for spoilers.

The first thing I noticed was that they used the intro from 1963, and I loved that! Although for a split second I remember thinking, "I did DVR the right thing didn't I?

The second thing I noticed was Clara as a teacher. Cue confusion. Weren't she and the Doctor in the time stream at the end of "The Name of the Doctor"? How did they get out? I think I've heard some people say they might address that in the Christmas special, but I wish they'd said something about how they got out.

Speaking of the Christmas special I'm now wondering if Peter Capaldi will be Twelve or Thirteen. With John Hurt's Doctor in there, and Capaldi saying "Thirteen!" in the episode, I'm not sure.

Thoughts on Billie Piper: I've heard some people say that they were unhappy she didn't come back as Rose. I wasn't bothered by that at all. Don't get me wrong, I like Rose. I have no problems with her. But for some reason the idea of Rose returning for the 50th never seemed quite right. Not sure why. I liked the way she was Bad Wolf for Hurt though. I'm not upset no one else could see her, although when John Hurt mentioned "the Bad Wolf girl" I would've liked to see Ten do a bit more about that statement than just be startled.

I loved the part with the fez, which I found odd since I've never been overly fond of the fez.

I think I was pretty much the only person who wasn't annoyed by Elizabeth I. The reason for that is kind of a silly one. David Tennant said "my Elizabeth" several times. My name happens to be Elizabeth, and I loved hearing that from him! So, for that reason the queen didn't bother me.

Speaking of David Tennant, I LOVED seeing him back as Ten. Ten is *my* Doctor! I enjoyed his interactions with Eleven a lot. He seemed perhaps just a bit off in a a few parts, but I still loved him. I've head some people didn't like the "I don't wanna go" at the end. I giggled. Then when Eleven said, "He always says that," I giggled some more. (A side note, I never heard of Ten's style of shoes referred to as "sand shoes". Is that a British thing?)

I loved watching Hurt's Doctor with Ten and Eleven. He thought they were companions at first! I loved how he told them not to keep pointing their screwdrivers around, and his annoyance at the catchphrases.

When all the other Doctors appeared at the end it was the most awesome thing! I loved it so, so much! I was very surprised Capaldi's (very brief) appearance, but it didn't bother me at all. I think I'm going to like his Doctor! (Granted that small scene isn't a lot to go on, but I've been feeling pretty good about him since the announcement. Despite the fact that I have mostly seen the new episodes, I am not bothered that he's not young and hot. And I never thought Eleven was hot anyway.)

The only thing I'm not sure about is Gallifrey being safe and sound. As I said before, I haven't seen many Classic episodes. ("Not many" being two. I'm working to watch more.) I don't feel I know enough about Gallifrey and the Time Lords to say if it being safe is a good thing. My gut reaction is that it's wonderful that everyone's alive. However does that change the Doctor since he's no longer the Last of the Time Lords? Like I said, I don't know enough to judge.

Finally I loved Tom Baker's part as the curator at the end! I'm also really happy they acknowledged that he was (is?) the Doctor. For example they could have had him on the screen, and the audience all knows who he was, but in the episode he's just a curator. Nothing more. Instead they had Eleven acknowledge that he was (is?) Four. Loved it! I kind of wanted to see him wearing the scarf though... Or maybe that would have been too much? I don't know.

So, there are my thoughts. Thanks for reading! :)

reviews and reactions, golden nemesis

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