[OOC: schedule]

Nov 13, 2010 02:04

So my work weeks are looking to be about 45 hours, give or take a few. The days/times may change up a bit, but as of right now, my schedule looks something like this.

Monday: (leave at noon) 2pm - close (anywhere between 10pm and midnight)
Tuesday: (leave at 10am) 12pm - 8pm (anywhere between 8pm and . . . closing)
Wednesday: off
Thursday: off
Friday: (leave at noon) 2pm - close (anywhere between 10pm and midnight)
Saturday: (leave at 10am) 12pm - 8pm (anywhere between 8pm and . . . closing)
Sunday: (leave at noon) 2pm - close (anywhere between 10pm and midnight)

It takes me anywhere from an hour to two hours to get home, which means if I leave at 10, I will be home between 11 and midnight and if I leave at 8, I will be home between 9 and 10. CHANCES ARE, and this is how it's been the past two weeks, I will get home at either 10:30/10:45ish or 12:30/12:45.

This leaves me very little time to rp except for like, a couple hours in the mornings, very briefly when I get home if I'm not too tired, or my two days off. I REALLY WANT TO PLAY WITH EVERYONE, so please bear with me if I tag you and am only able to do one or two comments a day. :(
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