[OOC: not!haitus . . . thing]

Oct 27, 2010 22:42

So, I started my new job today, and I can already tell it's going to take a lot out of me. I'll be working full-time (40+ hours). Good thing is that I am guaranteed two days off a week. Bad thing is that it takes me two hours to get to work and back, so my day will be around twelve hours, at least. I've got a couple threads I'm working on now, but I probably won't really be picking up anything new until I can get settled back into a routine/having a job again. If there's anything you want any of my characters (Ryuuken/Himawari/Touda/Fuuma/Conrad/Kanda/Chigusa/Oruha/Gracia/Naoe/Ren) for specifically, though, just poke me via email and I'll see what I can do!
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