Nov 03, 2013 20:52
The camping at Jenny's was about a C minus. Too crowded, and a yuck restroom. Tristan acted the brat for most of the time, which doesn't help. We went to one National Forest park and it was closed due to the 'government shutdown'. We made it back in one piece, and are still together. This, at least, gave Tris a taste of camping, which he will probably experience again when we camp on the Bass land at Thanksgiving.
Halloween was great. Michelle has been dealing with intestinal problems (doc visits and ER), so I ended up taking him solo. At least this year we knew what to do. We went to his school for the Halloween Cookout, where all the families eat catered Varsity, and then wait for the sun to set for Trick or Treating. One of the propane tanks from the Varsity exploded and caught one of their tents on fire. It was mass chaos, but at least no one was hurt or burned. The rest of the night was ok; trying to keep Tris on track with the T&T.
I ended up biting the bullet and getting my car door replaced. I was afraid that in a couple of months the latch would break and I would have to secure the door permanently closed. So, I paid the 500 dollar deductible and waited two weeks for the car to be fixed. On top of that, I'm waiting for Michelle's hospital bills to start rolling in, and our 115 rental check is going to be much smaller the next few months. I hasked Athens Realty to have the rest of the crawlspace moisture barrier installed, which comes to $580. Also asked her to have the washing machine line snaked and the heating sysytem tuned up. I've been talking to Scott about the possibility of being able to sell the house within 3 years. I just want to be able to walk away from it without anymore debt.
Have a cold. Work going ok. Hoping for the same big bonus at the end of this ysar. Pleeeeeease.