"But I don't know where to watch Classic Who!" Turlough is judging you so hard right now.

Jan 31, 2013 03:53

I'm really surprised at how often I hear from New Who fans that they want, they really waaaaaant to watch Classic, but they can't afford to buy that many DVDs and they just don't know where to watch it online! Really, are you all THAT not-internet-savvy? Because I don't think I'm terribly savvy and yet I found it pretty easy to google "where to watch Classic Doctor Who". I sort of feel like "I can't watch it because I don't know where" is the kind of flimsy excuse people make because what they mean is that they don't want to have to justify the fact that they don't actually want to watch it to Classic fans. Will I judge you slightly for not wanting to even attempt to watch Classic Who? Fuck yes, I will. Should this affect your enjoyment of the show, on your own terms, however the fuck you want? Fuck no.

I don't know an awful lot about the internet, but when I decided I wanted to watch Classic Who, it really wasn't that hard for me to find a list of all the serials on wikipedia and then find links to virtually every episode available on dailymotion. Some episodes are on youtube. And even netflix has some episodes now. It's not that hard.

And it's even easier if you have a few days to spare, an external hard drive, and a dubious sense of legality, but I'd never condone such activity and should stipulate that I have actually spent a good couple hundred dollars on the DVDs because I think it's important to give them my money whilst I'm blessed with an income and no dependents

Honestly, just punch the name of a serial into google and one of the first links will be to a video site like dailymotion where you can watch it. THEREFORE, UNLESS YOU GENUINELY DON'T KNOW HOW TO USE THE INTERNET, THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE. If you genuinely can't do a little detective work and find where to watch Classic Who, I suspect you're not trying because you don't really want to.

Which is a damn shame, because you might actually love it after all. I know I do. I love it more than New Who. This should come as a surprise to absolutely no one.

classic who, wtf people, stop, just, doctor who

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