Ughhhhhhhhhhhh *dead*

Sep 19, 2012 22:21

Was hit Monday night with a surprise cold virus that ruined what was supposed to be my holiday day off and has left me couch-ridden since. I expect I won't be attempting to go into work tomorrow either - the perils of working with the public are, of course, if you look like you're afflicted with the lurgy, people strangely don't want you handling their library books and such. Oh well. Perhaps if I hit my second wind, I'll be able to finish that illustration job I was meant to be working on this week, though working under the influence of cold medication strikes me as a less than spectacular idea as well. SIGH.

Look At The Size Of That Thing!
Jamie baby, my dearest Scotsman love. Precious darling, brave and snuggly.

Our Lives Are Different To Anybody Else's.
Wonderful Two, the sexiest Doctor that ever there was. Two's a sexy beast.

I'm sorry that I'm not sorry that I bloody love Peri Brown. She's adorable and awesome and you've got to give it to someone who loves wearing shorts so much.

I Say, Old Thing!
Harry Sullivan is awesome. He should have gone on more adventures, gosh damn.

bad art, sickbloggin', doctor who

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