Fic: A (Not So) Concise History of the Stones and Walls of New York City

Dec 25, 2011 13:51

A (Not So) Concise History of the Stones and Walls of New York City
by me, doctorpancakes
Fandom: Mighty Boosh
Pairing: Howard/Vince
Rating: PG
Word Count: 653
Author’s Notes: For beautiful Gina, who asked for Howard and Vince kissing at Stonewall for Christmas.

“Ah, here’s something interesting,” said Howard.

“Doubt it, “ muttered Naboo under his breath.

“If the length of those columns is any indication, this building was clearly erected in the late - ”

“You said erection,” giggled Vince.

“I said this building was erected,” corrected Howard, blushing the shade of 546127394.8 pink Yorkshire apple orchards, “in the late 1890s.”

“Bollo thought that plaque by the door that say ‘THIS BUILDING WAS ERECTED IN 1898 was dead giveaway,” said Bollo.

“Very observant, Bollo,” said Howard, moving on, while his impromptu tour group followed grudgingly behind.  “We appear to be approaching a tea room.  Now would be a good time to stop in for a cream tea, don’t you think?”

“Howard,” sighed Vince, “we can have tea at home, where’s the fun in having it here?”

Howard quietly acquiesced, and they moved on.

“If we find a sweet shop, on the other hand,” beamed Vince, taking Howard by the elbow, “we are stopping.”

“Vince,” sighed Howard, patting Vince’s hand, “sweets are not lunch.”

“Yeah, yeah, they’re only one of the food groups,” conceded Vince. “Besides, you know I only eat at restaurants that are cool enough to be in mysterious neighbourhoods with no signs on the door.”

“You mean like the last time we were here,” said Howard, “with the pizza, when I proposed?”

“I proposed, Howard,” corrected Vince, nearly crossing into oncoming traffic, still confused by all the cars that went in the wrong direction. “You composed a six-hour lecture.”

“That’s as may be, Little Man, but it was my idea,” countered Howard.

“Oh yeah? How do you know I didn’t have the idea first and was just waiting for the right time?” observed Vince.

Both Vince and Howard were too engrossed in their romantic bickering to notice that Naboo and Bollo had flagged down a taxi back to the hotel several blocks ago.

“Oh hello there,” said Howard, distracted by a brown brick wall and an intriguing sign. “Do you know what building this is, Vince?”

“Is it Topshop?” sneered Vince.

“I think you’ll find this is even more interesting than - ”

“If it’s not Topshop, I’m not interested,” said Vince, ready to move on.

“But this is Stonewall, Little Man, a very important site for the rights and freedoms of we proud gayists,” said Howard, gesturing grandly toward the building.

“I do like being gay for you, Howard,” smiled Vince.

“You see, Vince, in the spring of...”

Vince silently prayed he would not launch into a history lecture, but Howard had already pulled out his compact slide projector that had apparently been tucked into one of the 64785371537.8 pockets sewn into his Expedition Suit. Using all the Boredom Survival Training skills he had, Vince initiated his automated smile-and-nod mechanism whilst simultaneously imagining how cool he would look in a pair of green suede rocking-horse shoes and a matching set of wings.

“... until earlier this year, when gayist marriage was finally made legal in this part of America,” concluded Howard, advancing to his last slide.

“That’s well brilliant, Howard! We could get married here!” beamed Vince.

“Umm, Vince,” squinted Howard, “we already are married.”

Vince puzzled this through.

“Yeah,” he granted, “but an excuse for another party is an excuse for another party. It’d be well genius!”

“Don’t you think our friends might resent having to buy us a second round of wedding gifts?” blinked Howard with great exasperation.

“We could elope,” suggested Vince with a cheeky wink.

“Already married,” sighed Howard.

“Then I now pronounce us already married,” said Vince, draping his arms around Howard’s shoulders. “Can we go for lunch now?”

“I’d say we’re right on schedule,” blushed Howard.

“Cheers, Howard,” said Vince, punctuating his gratitude with three soft kisses.

boosh, slash, fanfiction, howince

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