For a broader list of DOD acronyms, abbreviations and terms, see
For acronyms and abbreviations in general, see
this or
Here is the list of acronyms and abbreviations specific to AR-15s and
@ - When prefixed to a member's name, means that the following comment is directed "at" or to that member.
. - Used to add a post without typing anything, means "I agree" or "+1 to my post count" or the same thing as BTT. Also sometimes left behind as a placeholder when someone deletes the content from a post or as a quick post to tag a thread.
+1 - When used with a quotation, means "Ditto" or "I agree". When used in the EE
feedback forum, means a good experience with either a buyer or seller. When just posted with no reference, it means "I agree with the OP" or "+1 to my post count, I have no new comment" or the same thing as BTT...
-1 - When used in the EE
feedback forum means a bad experience with either a buyer or seller.
87 - A nonsensical answer to nonsensical numerical questions. For example, someone might ask "How many magazines should I buy?" There is no meaningful answer to this question because it varies according to each persons' unique circumstances, so the canned answer becomes "87". Originated by
markm, it has since taken on a life of its own and is used by others who think it makes a funny in-joke. The number 87 is also associated with
several other meanings in general usage.
88 - Short hand for a neo-Nazi or, more loosely, any white supremacist. Derived from "H" being the 8'th letter in the alphabet, and HH being an abbreviation for "Heil Hitler". The number 88 is also associated with
several other meanings in general usage.
A1 - Of or referring to a characteristic of the M16A1 (for example, an A1 rear sight)
A2 - Of or referring to a characteristic of the M16A2 (for example, an A2 flash hider)
A3 - Of or referring to a characteristic of the M16A3, or (in civilian parlance) a flat-top receiver. Note that the M16A3 is essentially just a full-auto M16A2, but civilian manufacturers began using the term A3 for flat-top receivers before the military adopted the M16A3 and M16A4, so there is divergence between military and civilian usage of the term "A3". Without a definitive military context, it is most likely that "A3" refers to a flat-top, civilian upper receiver. Note also that some civilian manufacturers call their flat-tops A3, others A4.
A4 - Of or referring to a characteristic of the M16A4 (for example, a flat-top A4 upper receiver)
ABC - Armalite, Bushmaster and Colt (considered by many to be the top three manufacturers of AR-15s)
ABCR - Armalite, Bushmaster, Colt and Rock River Arms (a variant of ABC used by those who also consider Rock River Arms to be a top-tier manufacturer)
ACOG - Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight (see
Trijicon's website)
ACR - Advanced Combat Rifle (a late 1980's weapon development program intended to replace the M16 - more detail
AD - Accidental Discharge (a non-negligent unintentional discharge of a weapon that could not have been reasonably forseen and prevented - e.g. a caused by an unexpected mechanical failure)
ADCO - Not an acronym, just a name (retailer of AR-15s and accessories, provider of AR-15 gunsmithing services -
AF - Air Force
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
AGNTSA - Aww Geez Not This Stuff Again (substitute more colorful noun for "Stuff" as desired)
AJNTSA - Aww Jeez Not This Stuff Again (substitute more colorful noun for "Stuff" as desired)
AOW - Any Other Weapon (any weapon capable of discharging a shot that is not otherwise categorized under the
AR - ArmaLite (see explanation
ARD - Anti-Reflection Device (a device placed on the objective of an optic to reduce reflections and glare)
ARF - AR15.COM (this site)
ARFCOM - AR15.COM (this site)
ARFCOMMER - One who is a member of this site
A.R.M.S. - Atlantic Research Marketing Systems (manufacturer of rail mounts, systems and accessories -
ASA - American Spirit Arms (manufacturer of AR-15 rifles, rifle kits, parts and accessories -
ASAR - Abrams Small Arms Research (
ATN - American Technologies Network (manufacturer and distributer of weapon optics and night vision equipment -
AWB - Assault Weapons Ban
AWOB - Another Waste Of Bandwidth (derogatory comment made by someone who wishes to point out what they consider to be a pointless thread/post.)
BAC - Bindon Aiming Concept (the idea behind Trijicon optics like the ACOG that are designed to combine the rapid acquisition of unmagnified sights with the accuracy of traditional magnified scopes. Requires the use of both eyes in the manner of OEGs.
BAR - Beyond All Repair
BAR - Browning Automatic Rifle
BBL - Barrel
BC - Ballistic Coefficient (a measure of a bullet's ability to slip through the air unhindered by drag - higher values indicate more streamlined bullets)
B/C/CH - Bolt, Carrier, Charging Handle (the assembly of parts that cycles rounds into the chamber)
BCG - Bolt Carrier Group (the bolt, bolt carrier, gas key, cam pin, etc.)
BDC - Bullet Drop Compensator (a mechanism in a sight to compensate for a bullet's trajectory drop at long distances)
BDU - Battle Dress Uniform
BFA - Blank Firing Adapter
BFD - Big Freakin' Deal (substitute for "Freakin'" as desired)
BFI - Bushmaster Firearms, Inc. (manufacturer of many AR-style rifles -
BFL - Bolt Face Logo - A stylized AR-15 bolt face that serves as's trademarked logo:
BG - Bad Guy (the only kind of person who should ever be at the other end of your AR-15)
BG - Battlegrip (enhanced handgrip made by TangoDown -
BH - Black Hills (manufacturer of a variety of new, remanufactured and special purpose ammunition -
BHO - Bolt Hold Open (a mechanism that holds the bolt open when the magazine is empty, allowing for faster reloads)
BIY - Build It Yourself
BL - Bayonet Lug
BM - Bushmaster (manufacturer of many AR-style rifles -
BOB - Bug Out Bag (a bag filled with the necessities you will need to survive in the event you are forced to flee your home on a moment's notice)
BOHICA - Bend Over Here It Comes Again
BOTD - Babe Of The Day (something now reserved for the Team Forum only) posted as warning for any thread containing an image unsuitable for viewing at work)
BRASS - Breathe-Relax-Aim-Slack-Squeeze (mnemonic for steps of accurate shooting - there are many variants of this including Breath-Relax-Aim-Sight-Squeeze and Breath-Relax-Aim-Squeeze)
BRASSF - Breathe-Relax-Aim-Stop-Squeeze-Follow Through (mnemonic for steps of accurate shooting as taught by the USMC - more detail
BRD - Black Rifle Disease (a mysterious ailment in which the sufferer develops an insatiable desire for more and more AR-15s)
BSZ - Battle Sight Zero
BT - Boat Tail (a bullet that tapers at the back like the tail of a boat rather than cuts off at a right angle - see the
Ammo Oracle)
BTT - Back To Top (adding a post to a thread to bring the thread back to the top of the list of active threads)
BTW - By The Way
BUIS - Backup Iron Sight
BZO - Battle Sight Zero
C3 - Class 3 (a class of restricted weapons as defined by the
NFA, including machineguns, supressors, short-barrelled rifles, short-barrelled shotguns, etc.)
CAA - Command Arms Accessories (manufacturer of accessories and gear for various weapons -
CAR - Carbine
C.A.R. - Colt Automatic Rifle
CC - Concealed Carry
CCH - Cut Carry Handle (a carry handle cut down to form a BUIS)
CCL - Concealed Carry License
CCO - Close Combat Optic (an optic designed for close range use, typically low power, parallax free and with long eye relief. The Aimpoint M68 is an example.)
CCP - Concealed Carry Permit
CCW - Concealed Carry Weapon
CH - Carry Handle
CH - Charging Handle
CIII - Class 3 (a class of restricted weapons as defined by the
NFA, including machineguns, supressors, short-barrelled rifles, short-barrelled shotguns, etc.)
CLE - Compass Lake Engineering (manufacturer of competition service rifles and space guns -
CLIN - Contract Line Item Number
CLP - Cleaner, Lubricant, Protectant (all-purpose gun maintenance product -
example one,
example two,
example three)
CMP - Civilian Marksmanship Program (
CMMG - Not an acronym, just a name (retailer of AR-15s, parts and accessories -
CMT - Continental Machine and Tool (contract manufacturer of AR15 uppers and lowers)
COC - Code Of Conduct (the
rules governing your use of this site)
COLL - Collapsible (as in a collapsible stock)
CONUS - Continental United States (the lower 48 states and the District of Columbia, not including Alaska or Hawaii)
CQB - Close Quarters Battle
CQ/T (also CQT) - Close Quarters / Tactical (a
1-3x optic made by Leupold and designed for close quarters battle with some mid-range capability as well)
C&R - Curios and Relics (firearms that are officially recognized as collectible due to some unique quality such as age. The
ATF maintains a
list of qualified C&R firearms that C&R license holders can purchase via interstate commerce without the services of an FFL dealer.
More information)
CTR - Compact/Type Restricted (an adjustable carbine stock made by
Magpul, with a friction lock feature)
CYA - Cover Your Ass
DC - Dust Cover
DCH - Detachable Carry Handle
DCM - Director of Civilian Marksmanship (
replaced by the CMP)
DD - Daniel Defense (manufacturer of free floating railed handguards, slings and accessories -
DD - Destructive Device (an explosive, incendiary, or poison gas device as defined by the
DEWAT - De-activated War Trophy (a machine gun whose barrel has been plugged and welded to the receiver and whose chamber has been welded shut, rendering it unserviceable but still subject to the regulations of the
DI - Direct Impingement (firearm operating system where the action is cycled directly by the cartridge gasses. Most famously used in the AR15 and M16 series of rifles. More information
here and
DIAS - Drop-In Auto Sear (a device used to convert a semi-automatic gun to full-auto. By itself considered to be a machine gun under the
NFA, and unregistered ones are illegal to even possess with, let alone install in, the guns they convert)
DILLIGAF - Do I Look Like I Give A F**k
DIY - Do It Yourself
DOD - Department Of Defense
DPMS - Defense Procurement Manufacturing Services (builder of AR-15 rifles and supplier of parts and accessories -
DRMO - Defense Reutilization Marketing Office (an office of the DRMS -
DRMS - Defense Reutilization Marketing Service (a government agency that disposes of excess property received from the military services -
DSA - D.S. Arms (specializes in FAL rifles, but also sells AR-15 parts and accessories -
DU - Democratic Underground (a site for the exchange of what are considered liberal ideas - not friendly to your Second Amendment rights)
EA - Essential Arms (manufacturer of AR-15 lowers, stocks and parts -
EBR - Evil Black Rifle (a twist on the gun-grabbers' propaganda, embraced by supporters of the RKBA to both endearingly and sarcastically refer to military-style rifles such as the AR-15)
EE - Equipment Exchange (a
board on this site for buying, selling and trading equipment)
ETA - Edited To Add (an explanation of what was added or changed when a member edited his or her post)
ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival (in conventional usage, but see also "Edited To Add" above)
FA - Forward Assist
FA - Full Auto
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
FAR - Featherweight Assault Rifle
FCG - Fire Control Group (the hammer, trigger, disconect, springs and selector)
FDE - Flat Dark Earth (a tan-brown color making inroads as a replacement for black in weapon coloring)
FF - Free Float/Floated/Floating
FFL - Federal Firearms License/Licensee (a license that permits one to sell & transfer guns in interstate commerce, or the holder of that license)
FH - Flash Hider
FIRSH - Free Floating Integral Rail System Handguard (see
Olympic Arm's website)
FMJ - Full Metal Jacket (a bullet that is fully encased in a metal jacket - see the
Ammo Oracle)
FMJBT - Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail (a FMJ BT bullet - see the
Ammo Oracle)
FN - Fabrique Nationale (famous Belgian small arms manufacturer -
FN Herstal website)
FNG - Freakin' New Guy (substitute for "Freakin" as desired)
FNMI - FN Manufacturing, Inc. (Division of Fabrique Nationale located in South Carolina that makes M16s, M240s and M249s for the military -
FOIA - Freedom Of Information Act
FP - Firing Pin
FS - Flash Suppressor
FSB - Front Sight Base
FSP - Front Sight Post
FST - Front Sight Tower
FTE - Fail To Eject/Extract (please substitute the more precise FTEj or FTEx as appropriate to make clear your intention)
FTEj - Fail To Eject
FTEx - Fail To Extract
FTF - Face To Face (an in state trade or sale done in person - interstate commerce of firearms is illegal without an FFL)
FTF - Fail To Feed (if used without an unambiguous context, this acronym may be confused with "Fail To Fire" as listed below)
FTF - Fail To Fire (if used without an unambiguous context, this acronym may be confused with "Fail To Feed" as listed above)
FUBAR - Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition (substitute more colorful adjective for "Fouled" as desired)
FWIW - For What It's Worth
FYI - For Your Information
GCA - Gun Control Act of 1968 (The law that, among other things, established the FFL license system, set a minimum age to purchase guns, and banned the import of "non-sporting" guns, eventually including military-stiyle guns)
GG&G - Guns, Gear and Gadgets (manufacturer of optical mounting systems and tactical weapon accessories -
GP - Group Purchase
GSE - Gunsmoke Enterprises (builder of AR-15 rifles and supplier of parts and accessories -
GTS - Global Tactical Supply (retailer of AR-15 parts and accessories -
HBAR Heavy Barrel
HG - Handguard
HP - Hollow Point (a bullet with a hollow cavity at the tip)
HSLD - High Speed, Low Drag (of or relating to special forces and other highly skilled operators)
HTH - Hope That Helps
HTS - Hammer, Trigger, Sear (parts of the FCG)
IAD - Immediate Action Drill (a sequence of actions performed in response to a situation requiring immediate and instinctive resolution - in this context a weapon malfunction)
IBTJBT - In Before The Jack Booted Thugs
IBTL - In Before The Lock (posting in a thread that has gone bad and is likely soon to be locked)
IBZ - Improved Battlesight Zero (All purpose zero invented by Lt. Colonel Chuck Santose. Set at 50 yards, it gives a very flat trajectory out to 250 meters. Instructions
ID - Inside Diameter
ID - Involuntary Discharge (an unintentional discharge of a weapon resulting from a physical reaction beyond the shooter's instant control - e.g. a muscle spasm)
IIRC - If I Recall Correctly
IM - Instant Message (a private communication between forum members, accessed via the
button at the top of the page)
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO - In My Opinion
IPSC - International Practical Shooting Confederation (organizes and sponsors shooting competitions emphasizing a combination of accuracy, power, and speed -
IRL - In Real Life
JANFU - Joint Army/Navy F**k Up (for a mess so big that one force alone couldn't have made it by itself)
JBT - Jack-Booted Thug (derived from the name of the military boot made infamous by the goose-stepping Nazis, now applied in a derogatory manner to mean any repressive, overly authoritarian person)
JHP - Jacketed Hollow Point (a bullet that is jacketed in metal, but with a hollow cavity at the tip - see the
Ammo Oracle)
J/K - Just Kidding
JMO - Just My Opinion
JP - John Paul {Enterprises/Rifles} (manufacturer of rifle parts and accessories, particularly known for their trigger parts -
JSP - Jacketed Soft Point (a bullet that is jacketed in metal, but with exposed lead at the tip - see the
Ammo Oracle)
KAC - Knights Armament Company (manufacturer of rail adapter systems, sights and accessories -
KB - KaBoom (explosive failure of a firearm - caused by problems such as out-of-battery firing, bore obstructions, etc.)
KBC - Keyboard Commando (a person who buys and opines on expensive tactical gear but who has no actual combat or law enforcement training or experience)
KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid (an admonition to avoid complexity with its attendant expense and unreliability, also used as an adjective to describe something that adheres to the KISS philosophy)
KKF - Kurt's Kustom Firearms (custom gunsmithing services and special parts -
KMC - Knights Manufacturing Company (manufacturer of rail adapter systems, sights and accessories -
KNS - KNS Precision (manufacturer of small parts such as sight apertures and trigger pins for a variety of rifles -