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Comments 12

philstar22 April 3 2013, 14:18:58 UTC
Any Top Companion list that doesn't include Donna is invalid. River would be important too, though not sure she counts as a companion. And they seem here to be focusing on hotness rather than any other quality, which is irritating.

But I do think there are some good choices here.


jcfiala April 3 2013, 14:27:26 UTC
The title is "Top 10 Hottest Companions" - so, yes, they're going to be focusing on hotness.


eaweek April 3 2013, 14:20:31 UTC
I can't believe River Song is not on this list. She would be my #1 pick, by about a mile. I know she's technically not really a companion, but she's been on the show often enough to be at least considered a supporting player. Surely by now she's had more screen time than Jack (who I don't get at all: Barrowman's a fun guy and obviously good looking, but I've always found him more smarmy than hot, a MMV thing if ever there was one). I'm not sure where I'd rank Rory, as I consider him more endearing than hot. I would rank Jamie a bit higher, like second or third. I'd probably have Amy closer to the center of the list, maybe fifth or sixth. I'd rank Romana higher than Leela, cos in my book brains are far more sexy than a skimpy outfit (and Leela never came across as sexy or even flirtatious). I'd probably also have Rose a bit lower on the list (more cute/ tomboy/ girl-next-door than hot, I think) and Martha a bit higher (brainy, tough, self-sufficient = hot ( ... )


elisi April 3 2013, 16:10:21 UTC
River is not a Companion, she's his wife. :)


eaweek April 3 2013, 16:14:40 UTC
LOL, and she's still hotter than all his companions put together. : D


elisi April 3 2013, 16:21:42 UTC
Plus, she's the only one we know he's actually slept with...

ETA: More seriously though - she isn't a companion. She is the Child of the TARDIS, and she comes and goes as she pleases. A Companion is usually dependent on the Doctor in some way or another - and even when the Doctor plain *asks* her to just travel with him, she only half-agrees, for his sake.


stars_inthe_sky April 3 2013, 14:23:26 UTC
That summary of Rory's allure is completely accurate, but there's one glaring omission...

... )


a_phoenixdragon April 3 2013, 17:52:07 UTC
Hmmm, I can see why they didn't list River (she's not a mere Companion) and all in all, I must asy I'm rather happy with this list! Love how they crammed Jamie and Zoe into one - a cheater's trick, but understandable. They were pretty hot!!



katiemariie April 3 2013, 23:03:52 UTC
How is Rory on this list and not Mickey? I mean...


endis_ni April 4 2013, 10:30:16 UTC
Oooh, you put up an excellent argument!


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