VH1's Top 10 Hottest Companions

Apr 03, 2013 14:36

1) Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) - 11th Doctor's Companion

The Doctor's had med students and shop girls, Brigadeers and journalists in the TARDIS, but to date he's only had one kissogram/model/mother/travel writer/mini-skirt enthusiast and that's Amy Pond.

Amy's got it all…she's got red hair, a sassy personality, legs for days, porcelain doll face, Scottish accent and a complete disregard for the rules. Not to mention, Amy was the first companion to really explode "across the Pond" among mainstream American viewers.

All this, plus the inherent charm that Karen Gillan injects into the role, makes Amy Pond the hottest Doctor Who companion…thus far.

2) Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) - 9th & 10th Doctor's Companion

Doctor Who has always been a bastion of British family entertainment, but Captain Jack Harkness gave it a distinctly adult flair.

The American-accented con man with the lantern jaw and kickass military coat danced into our hearts when he wooed Rose Tyler in the skies of London and flirted with a man in the same episode. Jack's omni-sexuality could have been painted as pervy or threatening, but in the hands of Russell T. Davies, what it was really all about was how much Jack loved…well, everyone.

And let's not forget how good he looks straddling a missile.

3) Leela (Louise Jameson) - 4th Doctor's Companion

Leela was conceived as an Eliza Doolittle-esque character who would be "tamed" by the Doctor as time went on, but why would you want to "tame" her? She's strong, sexy, and killer with a knife.

Not to mention, she might have the skimpiest companion costume of all time… I mean…her skin is barely covered with those…skins.

4) Rose Tyler (Billie Piper) - 9th & 10th Doctor's Companion

What's in a name? Well, Rose isn't just an "English Rose" who brought the Doctor back to life, she's the companion whose tenure on the show ensured that the program rose from the dead.

Billie Piper not only lent Rose a sweet inquisitiveness, but also an innocent sexuality. She was tough, courageous, empathetic and very, very sexy.

5) Clara Oswin Oswald (Jenna-Louise Coleman) - 11th Doctor's Companion

Clara…or…errr…Oswin…or…err…Clara Oswin or Oswin Oswald or Clara Oswald…well, here's the thing: we don't know much about this new companion except that she's smart, sassy, flirty, and gorgeous.

Oh, and the entire overarching mystery of the 7th (new) series hinges on her identity.

Jenna-Louise Coleman is stunning and sexy on her own, but the mysteriousness of the character amps up her sex appeal to eleven.

6) Martha Jones (Freema Agyeman) - 10th Doctor's Companion

Martha Jones pretty much has everything you could hope for in a travel companion: she's smart, she's loyal, she's gutsy, she's good with a gun, she's gritty…and yes, she's beautiful.

How hot is Martha? Well, even though the Doctor never gave her the time of day, William Shakespeare wound up writing some of his most famous sonnets to her.

7) Zoe Heriot & Jamie McCrimmon (Wendy Padbury & Frazier Hines) - 2nd Doctor's Companion (Though Jamie appeared in "The Two Doctors", but he was still there as the 2nd Doctor's Companion)

Okay, I know that these are two people, and they aren't the same person as in the case of Romana, but Zoe and Jamie are like the dream team. One's a swotty, smart, spunky girl from the future and the other is a brave and loyal Highlander from the past (who shares a joking rapport with the Doctor that few others until the modern era even approached).

Not to mention that Zoe runs about in tight, sequined body suits and Jamie rocks the kilt like a champion.

They're hot, but when you team them up with their magical friend whom they follow on adventures, they also almost feel like templates for Harry, Ron & Hermione.

Did I mention the tight bodysuit and the kilt? Also that "The Mind Robber", one of the best classic Who episodes that features both of them is on Netflix???

8) Sarah Jane Smith (Elisabeth Sladen) - 3rd, 4th & briefly 10th Doctor's Companion

Sarah Jane Smith is who all other companions are held against and measured.

With her pluck and girl-next-door looks, Sarah Jane became one of the most beloved and steadfast companions the Doctor ever had. Her sex appeal comes from her spunk and sweetness and for that, we adore her.

9) Romana (Mary Tamm & Lalla Ward) -4th Doctor's Companion

Romana, or Romanadvoratrelundar, is maybe the only companion who could really be the Doctor's equal since she was a Time Lady. (That's also why she has two super hot incarnations.)

Romana I oozed glamour and spat out His Girl Friday like comebacks, while Romana II had an easy sexuality and joking rapport with the Doctor.

Put the two together and you have one singularly hot companion

10) Rory Williams (Arthur Darvill) - 11th Doctor's Companion

When we first meet Rory, he's Amy Pond's blustering nurse fiance. He seems boorish and sweet, but way out of Amy's league.

Then he became "The Last Centurian". Then he became a "Good Man Who Went to War". Then he got that really good haircut before the start of Series 7.

Basically, Rory is the guy whose hotness creeps up on you and then you can't ignore it.

Source: http://www.vh1.com/celebrity/2013-03-30/the-top-ten-hottest-doctor-who-companions/

What do we think folks?

rory williams, amy pond, websites, clara oswin oswald, team sexy, sarah jane smith

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