Speculation Saturday! *spoilers*

Jun 11, 2011 20:42

OK, this is the first week without new Doctor Who for those in the UK region and those who were visited by the Internet Fairies. But the US, Canada and Australia still have A Good Man Goes to War to look forward to...

So, with the final episode now watched (or soon to be) and some time to reflect over the past 7 weeks of intense WTF and shenanigans, this is the place to post your updated and continuing theories on pretty much everything that's happened so far, how it all fits together, who's who, what's what, and how the fuck the events of The Impossible Astronaut can be avoided, or at least worked into the show's future...

SPOILERS AHOY if you have not yet seen episode 7.

Whilst we want to try and work out this giant puzzle box Moff has dropped in our lap, actual known spoilers for episodes 8-13 and the Christmas special would be kind of a major buzz kill for many people, so please don't quote them in this post; this place is for your own theories as to what might happen.

Unless Moff trolls us first...

series 6, seriously just wtf?, all your logic are belong to moffat, moffat what have you done?, fandom will never sleep again, i can't even, series sex, fandom will implode, why so genius moff?, shenanigans, listen what the moff says, spoilers, moff is stealing your nightmares, grand moff trollkin, send your therapy bill to the moff, shit just got real, moff you big troll i love you, analysis and theories, what are you planning moff?, !community: activities, speculation, .speculation saturday, future's so bright gotta wear shades, moff went there omg, discussion

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