Apr 02, 2011 02:17

OFFICIAL PICSPAM FRIDAY POST: SERIES 6 PREVIEWS (PART ONE)Greetings, gentlebeings! It's Friday! (Or at least it still was when I started writing this, anyway!) And do you know what that means? TIME TO REINSTATE PICSPAM FRIDAY! Which we have been so woefully neglecting. Today I bring you a breakdown of all three series 6 previews--the Christmas ( Read more... )

series 6.02, series 6, all your logic are belong to moffat, insider info, pervy team tardis fanciers brigade, trailers, plaid agenda, alex kingston's hair is amazing, pervy amy fanciers brigade, matt in the hat, rory williams, why so hbic river?, squee, arthur darvill, fanservice, lipservice, moff went there omg, directors need love too, pervy river fanciers brigade, capslock, i wear a stetson now, pervy tardis fanciers brigade, the impossible astronaut, fangasm squee, fandom will never sleep again, rad bromance, brb shipping, fandom will implode, neil gaiman, moff is stealing your nightmares, pics, photos, speculation, arthur has bedroom hair, why so pretty matthew?, gq motherfucker, pervy eleven fanciers brigade, bromance, unf, unexpected!sexiness, bamf, river song, tagsplosion, brot3, brb vomiting rainbows, picspam, tweed too: geek control, why so gorgeous karen?, shenanigans, spontaneous ovulation, creepy liek whoah, team sexy, bowties are cool, cheekbones chiselled from pure epic, moff you big troll i love you, shit just got real, why so sexy arthur?, toby haynes, .picspam friday, look at that teak crest god damn, moffat what have you done?, nixon's gonna eat me, karen's hair is to die for, matt's epic hair, matt smith, fangasm, spoilers, fuck yeah alex crossed the line, pervy rory fanciers brigade, mr and mrs pond, pictures, oh god the eyes, karen gillan

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promethia_tenk April 2 2011, 07:39:44 UTC
OMG, I love you so much for this! I can't even imagine how much work this represents.

Meanwhile, in the Oval Office, Canton & Co. seem to be examining someone on something on the floor. I bet whatever it is is dead. (If it's Nixon, I will SHIT MY PANTS.) ...when, from out of the blue, the TARDIS decloaks right in front of them. (I say "decloak" because apparently the Doctor landed the TARDIS in the Oval Office cloaked, in order to spy on the proceedings. No, I don't get it, either.)

Possibly if the TARDIS is invisible, it's leaving a TARDIS-shaped impression in the pile of the rug, and the MIBs are trying to figure out what's going on? They seem to be looking right where the TARDIS would be sitting on the floor. (I think maybe the dialogue about bones and blood was from the pirate episodes?)


ragdoll April 2 2011, 07:44:33 UTC
I just rewatched teh BBC-A trailer and yes, the dialogue about the bones and blood is definitely from the Pirate episode. Avery-the-Pirate starts to say it in the shot with him before they cut to other stuff. (And it definitely sounds like Hugh Bonham's voice)


stars_fell April 2 2011, 10:24:42 UTC
Not being familiar with Hugh Bonneville, I didn't recognize his voice. Thanks for clearing that up. :)


stars_fell April 2 2011, 10:24:14 UTC
It represents a lot more work than I estimated it to be. :D My back is sort of killing me right now.

They do sorta look like they're looking at where the TARDIS might leave an indent? Then again, the way they're kneeling on the floor seems to suggest that there's something in between them.


manatees April 2 2011, 15:45:21 UTC

Totally OT but I totally want to get into that show, the fandom seems so awesome.


promethia_tenk April 2 2011, 22:42:32 UTC
I can't say I'm actually involved in the fandom--at least not yet--but the show is delightful.


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