Greetings, gentlebeings! It's Friday! (Or at least it still was when I started writing this, anyway!) And do you know what that means? TIME TO REINSTATE PICSPAM FRIDAY! Which we have been so woefully neglecting. Today I bring you a breakdown of all three series 6 previews--the Christmas teaser, the BBC full trailer, and the BBC America extended trailer. I've grouped the images by probable episode to the best of my knowledge. Please feel free to correct any mistakes I may have made and/or fill in any gaps. Also: MASSIVE POST IS MASSIVE. I've had to split it up.
Episodes 1/2: The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
I tried to put these in some semblance of chronological order, but seriously, I can't even. The more I see from these episodes, the more chronologically confused I get.
River, who seems to be on the run from one damn nice dinner party, waits for Canton and his friends to catch up with her. Note the hash marks on her arms and the chain around her neck; it's got a pen on the end.
Canton's got her cornered--in a New York City high-rise. Dialogue was overheard wherein Canton said "America is being invaded" and River replied "America was invaded a long time ago, America is occupied".
Aaaaaaaand thar she blows. (Is it too easy to assume the TARDIS is down there waiting to catch her?)
(Based on what had been filmed when this teaser was released, I'm placing this picture in episodes 1/2.)
I've got no idea where to put this, sooooooo I'm putting it here. Even though River's got her top on. And is snogging the Doctor. (Who TOTALLY goes for it, by the way.) Me gusta. But I want to know WHYYYYYYYY. It can't just be a simple kiss, can it? This is River Song we're talking about here.
Welcome to Utah!
Oh my god. How more Western could this shot get? (MARRY ME, TOBY HAYNES!)
Though I would loooooooove to know why he's sitting on the hood of a car like a suave motherfucker out in the middle of the Utah desert.
So, like, are they all going camping or something? I would pay good money to see the Doctor camping. How would he ever be able to sit still?
This HBIC just shot the Stetson off the Doctor's head.
The Doctor: "Bzuh--?"
"Hello, sweetie." What an entrance. Time to have FUN FUN FUN*
*this here at the insistence of
sharkshark, who vowed that I would be disowned if I failed to include references to "Friday" in this picspam.
River and someone else--presumably Rory--investigating the Lodger TARDIS.
I say "presumably" because judging by that red glow in the bottom right-hand corner of this image, Rory has been told to stand watch at the door to the Lodger TARDIS. And he's really damn jumpy about it.
Swinging his little flashlight around to look at something...
River, the Doctor, and Amy, investigating an abandoned building. Or something.
They're being watched by this creeper.
Who, I'm guessing, attempts to make contact. So to speak. (No, I have no idea why a fully-suited astronaut is hanging out in an abandoned building in Utah in 1969.)
You know, if it weren't for all the other images from this scene, taken out of context I'd say the Doctor, Amy, and Rory were exploring an abandoned building for shits and giggles and the Doctor just happened to find a cool piece of headgear.
How epic was this shot. Seriously. Amy whirls around with a gun (now where the hell did she get that from?) and shoots... something. Someone. Personally, I'm banking on the creeper astronaut. I'm also very interested in finding out what she's saying as she's whirling around--it's not as obvious in real time since her hair is in the way, but going frame-by-frame, you can tell that she's definitely enunciating something. She also really doesn't look like she wants to be firing that gun, which has me wondering if there isn't something controlling her. (Or she could just be scared. But for some reason I'm not buying self-defense here.)
The Doctor screams "NO!" as Amy fires the gun.
Seriously, it's like she's horrified at herself even as she's pulling the trigger.
And this is probably her staring in shock at whatever/whoever she shot.
Meanwhile, the Doctor is... concerned.
The Doctor says that they are in the middle of the most powerful city in the most powerful country in the world.
River looks amused. Amy and Rory look bemused. (And Arthur's gun show looks mighty fine, if I do say so myself.)
Meanwhile, in the Oval Office, Canton & Co. seem to be examining someone on something on the floor. I bet whatever it is is dead. (If it's Nixon, I will SHIT MY PANTS.)
"No sign of a struggle, no bones or blood." I'm guessing this dialogue goes here? If so, does that mean whatever they're looking at no longer has bones or blood? Jesus Christ on a bike.
...when, from out of the blue, the TARDIS decloaks right in front of them. (I say "decloak" because apparently the Doctor landed the TARDIS in the Oval Office cloaked, in order to spy on the proceedings. No, I don't get it, either.)
River, Amy, and the Doctor run for the TARDIS doors to catch their bus. Er, where's Rory? (There is some speculation that Team TARDIS gets captured by Canton and his MIBs, one by one, and that Rory is the first to go. As an aside, he was also sighted out in Utah with a metric fuckton of hash marks ALL OVER the visible parts of his upper body, also wearing a marker on a lanyard around his neck.)
Secret Service men (I'm assuming) busting up in the Oval Office...
I've got no clue where else to put this picture, despite the fact that it can't be taking place while the Doctor is in the Oval Office, because it's light out behind the windows in this screencap but dark in the others.
Look at him, sitting there like he owns the place.
Ten bucks says he's not getting the Jammy Dodgers or the fez.
Amy, running on foot, being chased by Canton & Co. in a Jeep, out in Utah.
Running... (note she's got the hash marks on her arms now, and a marker on a lanyard around her neck.)
Amy reaches the end of her road in Utah.
From another angle! (Y U DO DIS, BBC AMERICA?)
And turns to see...
Canton and Co. Filming reports suggested that one of the MIBs had a medical bag with him and seemed to be trying to give Amy medical attention, which led some people to speculate that the hash marks had something to do with an infection of some kind. (But then, what of the pen she's wearing, like River did?)
Canton Everett Delaware III (aka Mark Goddamn Sheppard) and friends stroll in to see the Doctor. They're completely disregarding the signs that say DO NOT APPROACH THE PRISONER. I wonder if they've cottoned on to his telepathic abilities, or are taking precautions just in case he has them at all. And wassup with the lights?
The Doctor appears to be shackled and straitjacketed up in an Area 51 hangar. Also, he's a lot more hirsute than he usually is. I find it rather interesting that they have him imprisoned in a large open space.
"You have to do this, and you can't ask why."
He doesn't look impressed, Amy.
"My life in your hands... Amelia Pond." I'm still not entirely sure he's impressed (or sanguine) about this.
That is one creepy sort-of-vacant expression on Amy's face right there.
"Whatever happens, however hard, however far, we will find you." WTF? Why is he saying that when she's right there in front of him?
Maybe it has something to do with the continued creepily vacant expression on her face? Seriously, something about that is not rubbing me the right way. Some people are wondering if she's physically there, but her consciousness has been taken elsewhere, which... vaguely fits with the idea that something was controlling her and forcing her to shoot the gun. You know what? IDEK. By this point, I'm so confused my brain is starting to melt.
This is presumably set in the orphanage that Canton and Amy visit, I believe in episode 2. I'm assuming Amy put on the suit jacket and pulled her hair back to look ~professional. Also, that is one creepy-ass derelict-looking orphanage. The wall behind her has "KEEP OUT" written on it.
I don't have a damn clue what she's looking for, but she's obviously looking for something. Maybe she's wondering why the orphanage is all torn up and seemingly abandoned.
And now she's got the hash marks all over her face. I find myself wondering, despite the fact that she has a marker earlier/later, if she even knows they're there. I mean, those look way too neat for Amy to have marked them herself.
Probably, she's screaming at a Silent. Part of me wants to giggle because this shot seems like such a cliched heroine-screaming-in-terror moment, but damn if I wouldn't scream my lungs out if I saw something that looked like a Silent, too.
My reaction to this is still "NO. FUCK NO. FUCK THAT SHIT. FUCK IT RIGHT OFF MY MONITOR." A Silent, hanging out at the creepy-ass orphanage.
The Doctor is speechifying at Canton (OMG MARK SHEPPARD GETS TO FLY IN THE TARDIS! Isn't this supposed to be a dream come true for him?), and Canton is not thrilled to be looking behind himself.
More speechifying at Canton, I think. "How long have they been here?" "As long as there's been something in the corner of your eye, or creaking in your house, or voices through a wall..." BRB NEVER SLEEPING AGAIN.
River laying waste to the Lodger TARDIS like the HBIC she is. (Seriously, I loved this shot, it was like she was performing a dance move.) There's a Silent behind her on our right; the Silent behind her on our left is shooting Force lightning out of its hand--I really don't know what else to call it--which is causing that giant spray of sparks. Also, what the shit is that thing hanging on the right side of the image? Is it like the dried-up husk of a Silent who wasn't a worthy enough pilot for the damn thing? (Silents, apparently, can hang from ceilings.)
River, having laid waste to the Lodger TARDIS. The Silent behind her on our left appears to be dead. (As a side note, Alex Kingston appears to be wearing this same costume for at least part of whatever episode they're filming right now--which I think is 13.)
Seems Amy gets injured sometime between the orphanage and somehow getting in the Lodger TARDIS; Rory's having to support her. The hash marks aren't on her face anymore. The Silent is still shooting Force lightning.
THE DOCTOR'S TARDIS IS PARKED INSIDE THE LODGER TARDIS WUT. The Doctor seems to be fending off shit--presumably the Silents--with his sonic while Rory helps Amy back to the TARDIS.
The Doctor, continuing to brandish his sonic screwdriver--looks like Rory and Amy are now in the TARDIS.
NO. NO NO NO NO NO. I'm having flashbacks to that season finale of The X-Files where Mulder was in the buried subway car with all the dead alien bodies...
I... think this is from the opening two-parter. Amy's in the right plaid shirt for it, but she's also got a jacket on over it (which she was spotted wearing during filming in Cardiff), and I've got no idea where it fits into the episodes. And that is another thing that is confounding me about this two-parter: THE FUCKING COSTUME CHANGES.
Anyone else feel like they just got a ton of information, yet still know absolutely nothing? Because I do.
Screencaps made by me.