Series 5 Retrospective Fest: Day One - Amelia Pond

Aug 16, 2010 14:28

Today is the day for exploding with squee over the awesome BAMFery of one Amelia Jessica Pond, aged 7.

And because she has only been in Doctor Who, this is also the place for discussing the general awesome of Miss Caitlin Blackwood, plucked from normal life and thrown into one of he most amazing TV shows ever.

So, how cute but kickass is Amelia? She's not afraid of fish custard-eating men in boxes. But she doesn't go a bunch on apples with no faces...

Best 7 year old fashion sense ever? Red welies with EVERYTHING. And the girl can cook.

Gurl spends her life waiting for her imaginary friend, and will always believe in stars. Can any one say BB!HBIC? <3

Tomorrow can be Amelia picspam tiems, so dig out those caps and promos. :D

!community: activities, series 5 retrospective fest, squee, caitlin blackwood, little amelia

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