Fic Game

Aug 15, 2010 16:13

Title: 12 Facts about 12 Friends and/or Foes
Author: Rochvelleth

What on earth?: This is more of a game than a fic. I got the idea from a fantastic post by thelistkeeper in a Sherlock comm here (thank you for letting me use it!).

The idea is that the Doctor is bored, and just happens to be stranded with a laptop and an internet connection and nothing else to entertain him. He soon finds a meme to keep him occupied...

You can join in by guessing who he's talking about! This is Eleven, and everyone he mentions appears in season 5.


1. List facts for 12 different people you want to say but will never tell them out loud.
2. Don't reveal who they are.
3. You can comment but don't answer to guesses. The idea is that no one knows who the facts are indicated to.
4. Tag three (3) people.

1. You intrigue me, but I don’t know if I’m ready for everything that is to come.

2. I used to think of you as a bit... dim. But you’ve shown yourself to be braver and more wonderful than I could have dreamed.

3. Nice bow tie. Bow ties are cool.

4. No, sorry, it’s never going to happen. Never. So stop trying, dear.

5. It was nice to hear that you’ve settled into your new job, but I probably should have warned you to watch out for that randy old toad, shouldn’t I? Never mind, you’ll find out soon enough.

6. I miss you. Why did the nasty women have to do that to you?

7. If you’re going to follow your dreams, for goodness’ sake take him with you. Your mutual repression nearly destroyed the world once already.

8. I didn’t realise how much you were grieving, but you saved lives. I am sorry I did not save yours or hers.

9. I’ll never get enough of defeating you. I deplore everything that you are. Morality is a complex thing, but everything atom of your existence is wrong, and if evil exists it is you. One day, I swear, I will see the last of you.

10. I am not sure whether you are wonderful or infuriating. Probably both, and I love you for it.

11. I don’t understand fully where you come from, but I know who you are and what you are. And I know I don’t always have the power to stop you. You feed on everything I am, and I understand why, but if you hurt my friends...

12. You’ll probably be happier with your new path than you would have been with the 21st century anyway. You do seem the sort to enjoy a challenge.

Love, The Doctor
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