The Doctor Who Proms!

Jul 27, 2010 17:58

I don't think I've ever posted here before... so hi there!

I was actually at the Doctor Who Proms this year (on the Sunday, with all the adorable cosplaying kids in bow ties and braces, bless 'em!) and I'm here to share a little bit of the experience with you guys! :D

I think every gig/concert/performance should begin with: "TURN OFF YOUR MOBILE PHONES OR YOU WILL BE EXTERRRMINAAATEEEED." 'Cos it would work every time right?!

When me and my friend - who I owe BIG TIME for skipping Biology to buy the tickets - arrived, we had no idea where we were sitting. We found it was actually a pretty good view (not realising at this point just how happy we'd be about this later!) We sat there for ages just wow'ing at the TARDIS, all the pretty lights, the screens and even the swingset in front of us!

So, the programme began with Karen Gillan as the main host (she was later joined by Arthur and Matt, but mostly in the second half...) wearing some really pretty outfits! And she was absolutely adorable - a kid in the audience cut her off when she was talking and she just giggled at them! So, basically the programme ran as follows:

The Mad Man with a Box (Prologue)
An Untimely Arrival
Short Ride in a Fast Machine
I Am The Doctor
Overture 'Portsmouth Point'
The Planets - 'Mars'
Battle in the Skies (Daleks vs Spitfires)
Carmina burana - 'O Fortuna'
Liz, Lizards, Vampires and Vincent
Die Walkure - 'The Ride of the Valkyries'
This is Gallifrey/Vale decem
Pandorica Suite
Song of Freedom
Doctor Who Theme

While some of the pieces were being performed, monsters from the series would walk down the aisles and into the standing crowd. We got one of the Venetian Vampires down our aisle, and she was pretty freaky as she bared her fangs at me! There were all sorts from Daleks, to Cybermen, to the Weeping Angels and dancing Silurians! I did love the bit with the Daleks though. There was an opening in the floor, towards the back of the standing area (right in front of us, where the swingset had been) and one of the old Daleks rose out of it and spoke as an Ironside, "Would you like a cup of teaaaaa? Ironsides make a very good cup of teaaaa. Would you like a cup of teeea?" Then one of the new fancy-ass Daleks came onstage, and basically told the old Dalek to get the hell out of there! Hahahaha! This new Dalek then called out to the conductor, "Ben Fosteeeeer. Ben Fosteeeeeeeer. Play the Dalek piece now, or be exterminaaaaateddd." To which Ben Foster blew raspberries and poked the Dalek in it's eye! Hahaha.

The Cybermen, an old Ironside Dalek, a Weeping Angel and a beautiful Venetian Vampire...
Then, THEN (probably my favourite part of the show... and you'll see why...) Karen was about to introduce the next piece when a 'message' came through. It was from the Doctor and he'd found some kind of explosive device...

Matt Smith then came out of the hole in the standing area, clutching the green, glowing bomb. Everyone cheered and clapped as he yelled out 'hello' and waved. He ran around and then bolted up our aisle. I was actually like: O.O... He ran right past me and I thought that was gonna be it. But ohhh no! He selected an assistant and brought him down the steps to right in front of me. There was The Doctor. RIGHT. MOTHERFLIPPIN'. THERE. IN. FRONT. OF. ME:

image Click to view

So, The Doctor chose this kid Ben. With his help and some 'psychic wire', the pair were able to stop the Royal Albert Hall from exploding! The kid just couldn't move his head or speak for a while... Oh, and of course, he might have a sore throat in the morning... or may have even turned into a giant bird? Hahaha. And I think my favourite line has to be, "Do you like that hand? D'ya wanna keep it?"

Once that encounter happened, I turned to my friend and we just flailed. We didn't even know where we were sitting when we arrived - we literally didn't have a clue that would, or could have happened! So, hyper and majorly fangirly, we enjoyed the rest of the show!


Oh! And bonus silly face Matt just because:

dat ass, squee, matt is adorable with kids, bowties are cool, braces oh god, doctor who proms, bbc proms, matt is amazing with kids

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