A Hipster!Silurian Shout-Out

Jul 27, 2010 19:34

Okay, I've never posted to our lovely comm but I was bored tonight. It got me thinking about all sorts of things and I started to trawl back through previous comments. I found the ones from 'The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood' and well, I pulled out my face-paints and tested out my Silurian-cosplay idea. I'm far too fascinated with special-effects make-up and costume-design. Oh. There's also a MattCave purple scarf too.

image Click to view

This was born of late night boredom but I wanted to share it with you all. <3

The Hipster!Silurian,

Cross-posted to dw_cosplay

cold blood, the hungry earth, video, obligatory 'wtf do i tag this?' tag, youtube love

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