It's time for a poll so we can decide which episode to watch for the watchalong tomorrow, as well as the time for the watchalong.
Important notes:
-Choose the episode wisely, as I'll be removing each episode we watch from subsequent polls.
-I didn't want to do a lot of converting, and this is a British fandom, so times in the poll are all in London time for the sake of my sanity because I'm not good at maths. If you don't know the conversions off the top of your head for your time zone, use
this or another time conversion service to figure it out. And these are all Saturday times, so if you live in one of the time zones behind Britain, the earlier options might still be part of Friday to you.
Poll This poll will be (tentatively) kept open until midnight British time in case one of the early times are picked, because we need time to prepare and notify people. If there are no early times winning the poll, it will be kept open slightly longer.
I'll post a comment in this entry that I'll reply to when we have a winning time so that people can track the thread if they want to be notified.
I know a poll isn't a cool interactive thing for a whole day of this fest, so feel free to discuss your episode choices.
Remember that you can re-submit your votes, so if someone's comments here change your mind and you want to vote for a different episode, please do.