Yes, today we continue our Eleventh Doctor celebrations with your recommendations for the best fics and prettiest pictures. :D
Got favourite Eleven fic that you just can't get enough of?
Seen some amazing Eleven fanart that you just have to share?
Saved some cool icons, wallpapers or manips?
Stumbled upon an uncannily accurate Eleven cosplayer?
Flailed over a knitted fez wearing Doctor?
Then this is the place to share with the class!
To make it easy for people to find stuff amongst the comments, I am going to start a thread for each type so that fic, art, graphics, crafts and cosplay are all in the one place.
When you rec fic, art and manips, please use the subject line in your comment to give the rating, so that people can see at a glance whether something is appropriate or NSFW before clicking on it.
Please give due credit to the author/artist/maker. Off LJ links are allowed, and please link to larger than icon-sized graphics, and NSFW images, rather than posting them directly.
And please remember: this week is all about Eleven, so the fanworks should all be Eleven-centric; pairings are fine, but he should be the central focus.
So, let's share the fan-made love! <3