Hey guys! I'm here to announce a brand new feature of All-Era Thursday's: A weekly rewatch of Classic Who! Essentially, sometime during the week or on Thursday itself we'll watch the chosen episode(s) for that week, and then talk about it on Thursday with .gifs, squeeing, sparkle text, and (maybe) some serious discussion.
But, in order to get everything running smoothly, I'm going to need some help from you guys. First and most importantly, if you could all answer the polls I've put below the cut, that would be FANTASTIC. <3 Secondly, if anyone would be willing to volunteer to help me out with this, just shoot me a PM. That way, in case I can't do it one week or something suddenly comes up, someone else will already be ready to to set it up and get it going. Thanks,
nentari! Though if anyone would still like to volunteer to be 'resident experts' on a specific Doctor to help answer questions that people might have about need to know info prior to the serial or just toss out some trivia on the Doctor, that would also be great.
nentari has kindly volunteered to do that for the Second Doctor, but you're welcome to shoot me a PM if you'd like to do so for any of the other Doctors.
EDIT X: The New New Second Poll is, in fact, working. If you only voted successfully on the first poll, please go back and complete the second poll. Thank you all for your patience. <3
Poll Poll Also, if you have any suggestions as to which serial to start with/serials you'd like to watch, please put it in the comments below. The format should be first the Doctor in parenthesis, and then the title of the serial. If you have multiple suggestions, just put a comma between them. Ex. (Eleven) The Eleventh Hour, (Ten) The Satan Pit, etc.
If you have any other questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to comment or PM me!