
Oct 31, 2011 22:31

The last time I was "home", I spent some time at my aunt's house briefly for dinner. There I found that in the mass of things left at my father's home was my "baby book", a journal my mother kept to record memories of my earliest years.

There was possibly the best look into the future that I might have ever read. Of me, my mother said, "[Claw] does not handle stress very well". Truer words were never spoken.

If something falls off the rails, I become tense. I become angry even. My decision making goes off the deep end. This has never been truer than tonight.

Change is afoot.
28 days from now, I'm the fuck outta this wack-ass toilet building I call home.
I'm inheriting a few more bills as a result. Ok, cool. At least I got the job.

Well, I still have that job, thank the Matrix, and though I should not complain because there are so many who are without, or in danger of being so... I'm not confident of its future. My workplace is undergoing "transformations", accepting all kinds of "risk management" methods, i.e. finding new and creative ways to cut costs. Though the official word is that the focus will be on process, rather than people... I can safely say, the transition is not that comfortable at all.

Never mind the ever so murky feeling I get from the overlords-in-waiting, the area where I will make my seat, and what have you. The worst shit is that my job, following the lead of a competitor that shall also remain nameless, has taken on some curious, though not as overly draconian measures related to what is called "accountable health".

Such buzzwords, that have the braindead crying foul over "Obamacare", really are not (completely) the product of the sweeping (yet IMO, still somewhat lacking) healthcare bill that sent a million idiots into a tizzy. Rather, it is phasing traditional health plans (you know, the kind where you are covered as long as you stick to a network and you're largely only responsible for co-pays and are largely subsidized by your employer) out into what has to be the biggest scam since Madoff added "Ponzi scheme" to the vocabulary of the aforementioned braindead looking to demonize the social safety net -- HSAs and high-deductible health insurance plans.

What's an HSA you ask? Well, I can tell you, it doesn't stand for "Health Savings Account", it stands for "HORSE SHIT ATROCITY". I'm supposed to go from paying a premium of however much monthly... to paying a premium as well as contributing to a horse shit savings account that, even when assisted by employer contributions will require me to pay out of pocket until I hit a goddamn high-ass deductible? Well, shit. Why the fuck would you go to the doctor anyway, if you know you're going to be assbetting until you can save enough to pay? That's just throwing your money to the wolves, while throwing your money to the lions. What the fuck?

The more I read about these plans, the more they infuriated me. I returned to the gym today, and just powered through my exercises like shit, that I was so mad. They're dumping damn near all the risk on the consumer... to make the insurance companies an extra buck? Giving a tax shelter to motherfuckers who can afford to save their asses off and not see a doctor? Man, this shit is worse than any "Obamacare" a conservatard can cook up. This is "Republicare" at its finest... and guess who was a big promoter of this bullshit "health care" plan.

You guessed it -- Bush.

Man, how did people let these turdburglars in Congress get away with this shit, when they have the best health plan in the country themselves just by virtue of their job? Same motherfuckers who let conservative FUD-ruckers convince the electorate that a "public option" (i.e. offer of that plan that Congress has) is the equivalent of drinking Adolf Hitler's pee? This doesn't even come close to solving the problem with health-care: it costs too bloody much. The cost is going to continue to balloon, and forcing this kind of crap on people is just going to make the problem worse. Sure, the big insurers will be caking, but this is the pits for just about everyone else. Motherfuckers that can afford all that Geld being dispersed a month will damn near profit, others will continue to choose between medicine and food. Pretty soon, people in the federal government are gonna be the only ones with what we used to call a "health plan".

And you wonder why the Occupy movement is gaining steam. This is bullshit, 100%.

I don't want a big house. Or riches. Or any of that bullshit the 1% supposedly has that "hippies" want to take away from them. They can have that bullshit.

Shit, give me a big, cute gal with some pubes, a functional Volvo station wagon, and a living space where NO Decepticons pollute the experience, and in return, I'll work my ass off to keep it up until I die. The end.

More importantly, give me a system that doesn't fuck me and will never ever work for me, no matter how much time and energy I put into it. I thought we were beyond that shit, dogg.

It really pisses me off, after having read a number of the stories of the "99%", and dillweeds bending over backwards to disassociate themselves with the idea, to ridicule it, to antagonize it, on some "I don't agree with you, so I'm going to show the world what a selfish teabaggin' ass douchebag I really am" shit. Seriously, go fuck yourselves. In the goat ass.


You know it's bad when I'm this mad, coming off the best damn game the Eagles have played all this wack-ass season, a near shutout (dammit, Kurt) of the forever-hated Cowboys, possibly the best individually coached game in Andy Reid's career. Coming off The Time, my favorite band in the world, releasing a new album, that totally kicks ass. Coming off... I dunno. Some other shit. Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 coming out and it looking like all just might be forgiven for leaving out GOAT Jr. That fuckin' Rocket Raccoon... man. Hilarious.

This kind of change just reminds me that the trivial is just a distraction. That's all it will ever be. I really don't like where this world seems like it's going. Especially since it seems there ain't shit I can do to move it off course.

I tell you what, if I'm gonna fall off this cliff, then the motherfuckers will have to push me off. That goes for this job, that goes for this life.

I'll check right the fuck out @ 41 to prove a point.

Fuck this shit in the goat ass.

One with the Matrix,

Dr. Claw

healthcare, the mundane

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