Hello people!
I had weird dreams...
I've forgotten a lot of it, but I recall standing on the porch with mom and Nick. I dunno where dad was...maybe inside the house? Oh, it was a different house, btw. Anywho, we had some kind of, like, philosophical discussion on the porch, and I went back inside for something. A man was there, about to be tortured by some terrible creature or something.
It was like a scene from Silent Hill. He was screaing intensely and I turned away as everything below his chest was chopped off with a chainsaw or an ax or something equally horrifying. Then, his top half (really, top 1/3) was somehow attached to these three huge, connected blocks of wood, which took the place of his legs. He was able to get up and use his arms to drag himself around.
And he was coming after me and dad, who was suddenly there. We ran back out to the porch and saw that it had started snowing. And then I woke up. Weird. It was 10:00 when I got up and went downstairs to join teh fam in the living room. They were all playing some crazy zombie game on their phones, acting like total nutbars. I made myself a sandwich and it was quite tasty.
I wanted Nick to play, so he played Silent Hill in the living room for an hour or two. Then, we watched a few eps of Millennium. I did the dishes, we watched Chiller's 13 Scariest Movie Moments (again - we've seen it before) and I rejoined teh rents to watch more Millennium, which is pretty much what we did the rest of the day. However, something fantastic happened: my website was linked to Robert Englund's.
I dunno if you guys even know this, but I make Freddy Krueger jewelry.
I created a page for it on my website and
the webmaster of Robert Englund's website connected them on the links page, with Nancy Englund's permission. How fucking amazing is that? AND, the pics of my Freddy tattoo were added to
the Tattoo tab on Robert's site. It was so wonderful, it really made me feel awesome. <3
Also, stats on my site went up really high, so I was pretty happy about that. Um, after that, seriously, we watched Millennium all goddamn day. I took a shower, watched some TV and that's about it. Title of this post is something Nick said while playing SH.
Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*