Howard Dean is Coming to Eat Your Babies! BYAAAAAAAAAH!

Apr 17, 2008 22:42

Hello people!

Guh. My throat hurts, my nose hurts, and occasionally, when I blow my nose, a little blood comes out. Why am I telling you this information that you really don't need to know? Because. You guys need to know every little thing about me, no matter how trivial it is, HAHA. Just kiddin. That sounded cocky. Oh, well...

Anyway, I'm not feeling too good, but I can't stay home tomorrow cuz of my staying home earlier this week, even though I desperately wanna cling to sleep for a year and a half and simply relax and rejuvinate.

Today was the Blood Drive at school. I don't think I've talked about it on here...maybe I did, I dunno. But I signed up for it and my pass was for first period (study hall). I was unbelievably nervous. I felt sick to my stomach and my hands were shaking and I really was scared that I'd pass out or something. I know, I'm such a wuss sometimes, lol, but I couldn't help it; I'd never given blood prior to today, so I didn't know what it was like. New scares me.

So I went in and chilled and waited for my turn to be asked questions and get my blood tested. They had a boom-box with a mixed CD in it, playing random songs. "Winds of Change" by Scorpions was playing when I came in, and then "Silent Lucidity" by Queensryche, which I actually don't like very much, but I tolerated it. That was the last good music I heard during the blood drive.

Then was questioning. I thought some of the questions were fucking hilarious (for example, one was, "Have you had sex with a prostitute that was HIV positive?"). In regard to that example, I understand the necessity for such a question, but since I'm so...well, against having sex at all in high school, I found it quite amusing, lol.

The nurse had to test my blood for iron and whatnot to make sure I could donate. She used this thing that was like an ear-piercing tool, but it didn't wrap around my finger, it just pricked it. Blood popped up to the surface and the lady squeezed my finger and scraped the blood into this little tubey thing. It hurt a LOT. I'm surprised it hurt so much, but it did, lol.

Finally, it was time to get the blood drawn. So, I headed over to Chris, one of the blood-suckers...I mean, nurse guys. He was really nice and funny, so I got calm pretty quick, thankfully. The needle was inserted into my arm and it was just a quick sting - it felt like a needle, but then it was done, and it just felt kinda weird. And actually, after a while, it started to itch.

After about seven to ten minutes, it was done. He wrapped a pink bandage around my arm and I was free to go sit at the far side of the room to snack and chill. I figured I'd kill time for most of math class, but then a hall monitor came in and yelled at us to get back to class. I mean, one of the people sitting at the chill table had just gotten there! I heard that people fainted today - no wonder why, that douchebag prolly forced people out too soon. Dumbass.

So, anywho, math was stupid. We just did notes. Then Chem, we did notes. AP Euro, we watched more video. Hiroshima, which was actually pretty interesting. Scary and creepy, but cooly. Then German, we watched Narnia. It's okay...I'm not all that interested in it, really, but Jen says that I should pay attention just cuz Peter is rather attractive, and she's right, so s'all good, lol.

Brit Lit, we did notes (wow, we did lotsa notes today...). Creative Writing was another reading day. Overall, today was rather boring. When I got home, I felt really run-down and depressed, so I chilled for a while and, eventually, I felt better.

I asked my bro to carry my sweater for me when we got off the bus cuz I had my math book and binder to carry, and my arm felt kinda funny, so it was hard to carry stuffs. What does he do? Throws my sweater on my shoulder while I've got headphones in my ears, carrying my books and the mail, and trying desperately not to drop everything.

We watched an episode of Supernatural today (No Exit). It was FREAKING GOOD, but I find Jo rather annoying. Oh, and there was a repeat episode on the CW tonight (as they do every Thursday), and it was Mystery Spot. Definitely one of my fave episodes ever, even though it's rather depressing. But I *LOVE* the intro to every Tuesday, with "Heat of the Moment" playing every morning, lol. And Dean says, "Dude. Asia." And he's rockin out. It's one of the funniest, cutest goddamn things I've ever seen. X]

AND, when Dean doesn't believe Sam in the diner, and he starts saying silly shit to test Sam, and Sam says everything along WITH Dean (for example, "Sam Winchester cries his way through sex. Sam Winchester sleeps with a ruler by his bed and every morning okay that's enough!") I laugh EVERY TIME. Dean has a lot of adorkable moments in that episode. But jeezus, I hate the ending. And what Sam becomes during the six months following Dean's death. I cried...I've seen the ep before, I knew what was gonna happen, and I cried anyway, lol. I think I've been somewhat emotional today.

Eli Stone was so good tonight. Very upsetting, though. Funny, too. But at the end...again, I cried. I wanted to just hug Eli and tell him it'd be okay, and I'm not even fangirlin for him. OMG, when everyone started singing with George Michael in Eli's visiony/dream thingie during his "coma", and Victor Garber was singing, my heart just about melted. I've said before that I don't really think he's all that attractive, but it's the fact that he's just so awesome that I fangirl for him. He's "made of win", as you young whipper snappers might say. ;] *LOVES* Victor Garber.

Explanation of title: Haha, tis a quote from Jen in German today. She said that line, and I started laughing and was like, "What?!" and she said, "You should use that for your blog post tonight!" and I whole-heartedly agreed, cuz come on, that's fucking hilarious. XD

GAH! I'm so excited! I'm getting my next tattoo THIS WEEKEND! It was totally spur of the moment (except...a day in advance, lol), and that's very uncharacteristic of our family, so I was pretty stoked earlier. Plus, I desperately want this tattoo. I've described it before, but I'll link you to a pic here (avatar) and here (Sam) and here (Dean).

Well, I've gotta get to bed. I wanna find some shorts to wear tomorrow so I don't have to wear my damn jeans, but I don't think I have any. *sigh* Oh, well, that's what shopping's for, right?

Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*

rl: tattoos, rl: blood drive, tv: supernatural, friends: jen, celebrities: victor garber, tv: eli stone, school: general, sick: general

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