He's Ancient, He's Ugly, I Dunno Which Is Worse

Oct 16, 2008 18:00

Hello people!

For the past...I'd guesstimate two weeks...I've ignored my alarm clock and slept an extra 6-10 minutes until dad comes to get me up. Today, he said, "Did you even set your alarm?" I said, "Ngyuh" ("yes"). He said, "Did you get up and turn it off?" and I replied, "Nguhn." ("meh"). I should prolly start actually getting up to it again.

Anywho, photo was fun; we took our developed pictures and put them up on a wall, then people complimented them critiqued them. My pic of Taco (dog) in his stupid little Halloween costume (don't even ask, guys) and my pic of the birdfeeders in our front yard (trust me, it looks cooler than it sounds) got a buncha good compliments! So, yay! Happy me! XD

Math was boring. We did stuff. LOL! That's all you need to know. In AP Gov., we got into our respective groups and discussed how we'd handle the press conference for our candidates come Monday. We decided that we'd address the economy, specifically Obama's tax plans. And then we spent the rest of class watching McCain/Palin adds on their site. They're pretty funny, guys. If you haven't seen 'em, go watch 'em. The "Dr. No" one is the best.

In forensics, we watched a National Geographic special on meth, which was disgusting. It was really gross. But I have little pity for the so-called, "victims" of meth. They all chose to do it. No one forced it on them. Whatever happened to them is their own faults. That sounds mean, but whatever (name that movie). *shrugs*

MindCandy was, by far, the best. We had our party today! I had chips (which I brought in), cake, carrots with ranch dressing, a cookie, a piece of pizza, and some water, not necessarily in that order, lol. It was SO EFFING GOOD. And we watched The Nightmare Before Christmas, which is ALWAYS fantastic. The title is from teh movie, of course; it's party of Oogie Boogie's song that he sings to Santa Claus. I just love that movie. <3

Mom picked me up and we stopped at a comic book store cuz I wanted to get the new Spidey with Stephen in it, but they didn't have it there. Does anyone know when the comic is/was ACTUALLY released? And if you got it, could you tell me where you got yours, please? I'm gonna hunt for it this weekend, if I can. Unfortunately, no comic book stores anywhere in town carry Tek Jansen. I have to get those from Amazon. That's okay.

Ooh, but in the same plaza as the comic book store (Packrat Comics), there was this AWESOME vintage store whose name I can't remember right now, but it was super cool. And I REALLY wanted to go in, but they weren't open yet. They have the WEIRDEST hours. Weekly, it's open 3-7 PM, Saturday, it's open 1-5 PM, and it's closed on Sundays and Mondays. I know, totally obscure. But it looks SO cool, I really wanna go.

So, anywho, we stopped at the store to get some stuff to make Tortilla Soup just like Max & Erma's, and then we went home. Mom made me some delicious hot chocolate cuz it's FREEZING today (WHOOT!). Then she made the tortilla soup and it was SO EFFING GOOD. Holy crap, guys, it's sooooo amazing. I had two bowls, lol. And we finished the first season of "Samantha Who?". I absolutely love that show. Christina Applegate is adorable.

Uh...right, then we picked Nick up from the cafe cuz he chilled with his friend there for a while. When we got home, mom and I had another cup of hot chocolate and watched Cash Cab. Whoot! There's a lotta TV on tonight; Ugly Betty, Kitchen Nightmares, Supernatural (and for mom, Grey's Anatomy and Life on Mars). LOTSA stuff.

Ooh, mom sent me this link to a thing about stupid Americans not being able to answer three simple questions. The biggest reason she sent it to me is cuz they mention the audiences of TDS and TCR! :D HELL YES. Here's the article, if you wanna read it. It's fairly interesting and kinda disheartening at the same time.

I think that's it...oh! I have tomorrow off! I can sleep in, FINALLY! I'm sleeping til 9:00, at least! Yay inservice days! Also, I'm not sure how to carve my pumpkin this year. Last year, I did a Colbert-y kinda thing. So, what should I do this year? Keep in mind, something Colbert-themed is not out of the realm of possibilites. ;] But yeah, suggestions would be appreciated. And what are you guys gonna carve?

Love y'all - Mira/Doc/Kat *meow*

sleep: general, rl: stupid people, rl: drugs, food: general, comics: general, politics: general, holidays: halloween, tv: tcr, family: dad, family: mom, comics: spiderman, tv: tds, tv: general, shopping: general, movies: nightmare before christmas, comics: tek jansen, school: general

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