musicalalana - I finally finished knitting the baby caps! Let me know a good time to get those to you.
2. I've been spending a lot of time with the French Mafia of late. My prayers and thoughts are with the people of France - all the people of France, no matter the race or religion
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Re #4: NOT just you. I DID tell you about my.... holy experience on Christmas, didn't I? Also baby food jars are passé. I had a spaghetti sauce jar in Albany. And they put it in open side first so we had to drill the glass to break the seal, so we could remove it.
On that note, PEOPLE If you're going to put jars or bottles in your various orifices (no judgement, seriously), LEAVE THE OPEN END OUT. Inserting the open end may create a pressure seal, which means we literally can NOT remove it without drilling a hole. I had a woman with a glass coke bottle adhered to her uterus. If you DO need the ER for such things? Don't lie. We know you didn't fall on a glass or bottle, that happens to be lubed up, and have it happen to land in your vagina/urethra (yes really--male AND female)/rectum. If you want to insert something, go for it, but have the balls to look at us and shrug sheepishly and say "Seemed like a good idea at the time" (and if something seems like a good idea at the time, it's not. EVER. REALLY.)
By Compass... are we talking the round navigational device, or the drafting devie that has pointy ends and a pencil?
6. is that the one you got When I was on lunch that I heard Alex bitching about cleaning up?
And by compass, I am referring to the navigational aid.
And yep, you were on lunch when I got #6. Poor Alex.
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