Ren Faire Recap

Sep 02, 2008 18:58

So etherial  and his lady, a friend of mine and I went to the faire on sunday.
The grounds as usual were beautiful, the weather was gorgeous, and the pirates piratey
I bought a nice new leather veat for my garb that I may just start wearing elsewhere, and a new belt pouch.
I also found a leather shop that redyed my faded gloves for only $20, and that should give me another 8 years out of them (more if I remember not to leave them where the sun can get to them)

One of my favorite parts of the day was the Sultry Sirens of Sin and the Rakish Rogues performing on the swashbuckler stage.
One of the songs the sirens sang is still stuck in my head (appropriate, no?)

Caviar comes from a virgin sturgeon,
Virgin sturgeon's a very fine fish,            
No good sturgeon wants to be a virgin,
That's why caviar's a very fine dish.

I wish I could remember some of the other lyric's, as they had their own verses.
(when I looked for lyrics the third line was also listed as "Virgin sturgeon needs no urgin'" but that wasn't what they sang)

friends, faire

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