The Pastry Kitchen... revealed.

Jun 13, 2008 15:31

All the treats -- the magnificent cakes, the heaps of pastry -- are now gone from the Pastry Kitchen.

In their place are a number of large silver soup tureens, full of steaming hot soup (mostly chicken noodle, but also tomato and a few other varieties). Pitchers of orange juice line one counter. The hot beverage pumps are filled with herbal tea; there are plenty of clean mugs and glasses, as well as honey and lemon for the tea, next to them.

The bowls of fresh fruit are still there, too, next to bowls of strangely generic packaged crackers. There are about thirty trays stacked on one counter, along with clean bowls, flatware, covers for the bowls, mugs, and glasses, and the same big white cloth napkins that cover the trays, folded and carefully arranged in a pile.

Also, there are large boxes of (strangely generic, again) lotion-enriched tissues arranged in a pyramid on a table. The signboard in front of them says,



Three days have passed since the Pastry Kitchen appeared. Wasn't it delicious?

Ah, yes, the food was great, and it was normal food, perfectly safe to eat. The only problem is that, just by entering the room, your character was exposed to...

The Common Cold.

Symptoms took 2-3 days to develop. They include a sore or scratchy throat, runny nose, congestion, sneezing, cough, difficulty breathing, and swollen sinuses. There may also be muscle aches, fatigue, malaise, headache, weakness, and loss of appetite. Particularly severe cases may include a fever. For more information, visit Wikipedia's page on the Common Cold, or the (US) National Institute of Health page.

The following characters have caught the cold, but the severity and duration of the symptoms (around 5 days, give or take a day or two) are up to their muns. If you were not in the room, but have encountered an affected character in the interim, you may also choose to "catch the cold."






ijk_mno  **



standing_asylum  ****




The following characters' immune systems were able to fight it off, and they did not catch the cold.



ijk_mno 's name was initially drawn from the bowl for immunity; however, rumor has it that a weak immune system is part of his characterization. So, whether or not he catches the cold is the mun's choice.
**** Can a vampire catch a cold? Up to
standing_asylum 's mun.

sickness, ryuuzaki-l, delayed effects, pastry kitchen room

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