Got a suitcase, got regrets, but I'm hopeful yet

May 30, 2009 22:27

[Matt's looking for someone while trying to pretend to himself and the mansion that he's not, and the show of exaggerated casualness he's putting on has gotten him in trouble before. It's not so bad this time, he thinks at first. This room's like a library, but all the volumes on the shelves are self-help books. There's a computer monitor in the center, but the screen is dark. A card taped to it reads: OFFLINE FOR MAINTENANCE. YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN, KIDS!

Matt reaches for his cigarettes and notices a nametag stuck to his shirt: "Hi! My problem is: Someone I love is gone, and I'm in denial." He tries to peel it off, but of course it's stuck fast.]

Fuckin' great.

[[ooc: Advice room, with a twist. Because the system's down, the room will make characters do its job. :D Reply to the main post, with your character's problem appearing on a sticker. Then reply to other characters. When talking with other characters, your character will be compelled to give full and honest advice about the other person's problem, even if it's something that makes them look bad or that they ordinarily wouldn't say. If your character attempts to cover or remove the sticker, they will find themselves physically unable to do so.]]

revisit, amnesia!matt, advice room

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