Into The White Darkness

Jun 05, 2005 06:59

Name: Lily
Age: 17. Still jailbait D:

Favorite Quote? Why does it have significance to you?
I am racking my brain for quote!age, and the only thing comes to mind is lyricage. Oh wait, I remember:

It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established
authorities are wrong. - Voltaire.

My actual choice is another one by Voltaire, but I can’t remember it properly, and I don’t have the link at the moment.

Likes:: Anime/Manga (especially BL manga), doujinshi, writing (though my works are pathetic), nature, solitude, thinking, daydreaming, certain musical groups, and then some.
Dislikes:: Being stabbed in the back, losing those precious to me, feeling unloved, feeling like a failure, actually being a failure, confusing emotional entanglements, social situations, classes, that I am horribly failing classes, homework in general, humanity’s cruelty and greed, humanity in general, plenty of other things.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Why? What is this ‘spare time’ you speak of? Hee, I usually read manga and/or doujinshi ‘cause it cheers me up. Otherwise I would be a lot more angsty. GASP. Running away from my problems I suppose. UM YES, generally not doing the homework, and then some. Or daydreaming. I always have my head in the clouds.
Who do you look up to as a model for how to live your life? Why? No one, really.

Your best quality? Why? Listening, I guess. I can usually help solve other’s problems, and I’m very protective of those I consider ‘precious to me’, If I truly care about someone, I’d do anything to ensure their happiness. Other than that, I’m rather mediocre.
Your worst? Why? ..I could list pages. A few would be (but not limited to) Cynicism, self-loathing, no self-confidence, completely unbelieving that others truly care for/about me, being distant, near social paranoia at times, never letting go of anything or anyone, I let myself be used, I never stand up for myself and just let others control nearly everything about me.

...did I mention I am a wee bit angsty at times?

The world's not a perfect place. What would you want to change about it? Why? Merely, everything. Though, I’d want to keep the sliver of caring that the few seem to have.
You're not perfect, either. What would you change about yourself? Why? Merely, everything. Though I suppose I’d keep the part of me that cares so much for others.

Do you believe in people? HAHAHAHA, no. People will only betray and use you. Even the kindest people can easily stab you in the back.
In yourself? HAHAHHA, no. Everytime I believe in myself, I just get proved what a poor choice that is.

If you were given the chance to become one of the characters for a short period of time, who would you choose? Why? How about With? He seems the most angst!free of everyone, and I really don’t need anymore angst at the moment XD; (I’d rather not deal with Daisuke’s endless relationship problems, I’ve enough of my own, thank you)

Anything else?

Whee, Done. Damn I’m angsty today, sorry about that. I’m usually not so very cynical, or at least I don’t inflict it on others anymore. Had a rather bad day, far too many emotional entanglements. People are having counter-transference towards me again and it’s making me paranoid. ._.;

stamped, satoshi

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