Event: Weaving a More Beautiful Reality

Apr 18, 2009 17:22

Spiders & You: A Guide to Rewriting Reality for Fun and Profit

General Gist:
(a.k.a. why is it happening, how does it work?)

Hi guys! MYSTERY MUN HERE with a LOL of a different color. In that it is not really a LOL at all. Having secured mod-approval, I have been entrusted with running a small but dramatic nexus event wherein a Weaver, a force that defies restriction, that is not bound by the AVF or any other rule will show up, kidnap a particular dude, and leave a swash of merry havoc in its wake. You are hereby invited to be part of that swash.

This is an opportunity to you, as muns, to enact any change that you might find amusing or convenient or interesting onto your characters. If your character is in a rut and you need a bolt out of the blue to get him/her running again, here's your chance! If you're just a sadistic bastard, we are here to serve! If you want something shocking but actually very nice to happen to him/her, this is also fully possible!

What is the Weaver?
The Weaver is the ultimate deus ex machina. It is a savior and an uncontrollable force from China Mieville's Bas-Lag books. (Most particularly Perdito Street Station.) It is a big black spider the size of a four-door sedan. It is a weaver of reality, and our plane of existence is little more than a tapestry to be repaired or rewoven at will, and it's will is goverened by a sense of aesthetics that no one else can grasp. It cannot be anticipated or accounted for. At least, not ICly.

Extra note: The Weaver is fully sentient and completely insane, and it will keep up a running telepathic monologue of generally-incomprehensible babble that will resonate in any mind that nears it. Yes, even your character's. Yes, even if that character is a god/mind master/special snowflake. If you don't want this to happen, I encourage you not to post to it. The only EXCEPTION to this lies with robots! If your character thinks with microchips, s/he is safe. And possibly all the more interesting.

Now, the Weaver CAN be fought against, and damaged, but not killed. Even if you kamehameha it ICly, it will not retaliate except in ways that you OOCly approve of. If you do not OOCly approve of anything, you can still try to kamehameha it for MESSING WITH EVERYTHING DEAR GOD. It will just disappear or dance around or throw daisies or some other inconsequential and confusing thing.

How is this going to work?

1. You can contact the mun(s) of the Weaver via this post with screened comments, or by AIM at missedcellanea.
2. The Weaver appears in the Nexus next Friday-Sunday and enacts all sorts of loopy madness. Or maybe less if I don't get much of a response!
3. The Weaver leaves and the changes it's made are permanent and real.

What are my options with this?
Perhaps the Weaver will remove your character's eye and eat it! Perhaps it will produce her mother's long-lost childhood diary full of important secrets! Perhaps it will kidnap him for an unknown period of time during which he will see sights amazing and terrible which will solve everything/destroy his mind utterly! Perhaps it will take all of your her memories and turn them into beads and give her a lovely new necklace! Perhaps it will give him a kitten wearing a jaunty hat!

I will even allow for mpreg. But only because I love you all very much.

Your options here are unlimited. The Weaver is not bound by the AVF, or physics. Be as horrific or innocuous as you like, though the character itself is taken from a canon heavily influenced by Lovecraft, and will be written as such. (Weaver = INSANE AND SCARY, whether it actually does anything scary to your character or not.) The goal here is to give YOU the mun an opportunity to wreak a little havoc.

What else do I need to know?
COMMUNICATE. Did I mention that you should communicate? Because you should. I am NOT going to do thing one to someone who does not expressly say, before hand, that they want something to happen to their character. I SUGGEST THAT YOU TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT because I should not be allowed the sort of freedom to do anything I can think of to a character and oblige you to live with it. My love is pain. If you want suggestions, though, that's cool, I can bounce ideas around with you. Again, nothing will be done without your stamp of approval, so unless you SAY "yes this is good" I am not going to assume anything.

If your character makes a post to the Nexus next weekend and you are ok with the Weaver showing up and saying hello, please give me an OOC note in the post saying so.

How long does this last?
The actual Weaver will only be around for that weekend. As for its effects, well if it's just something like...sticking your character in an inexplicable wedding dress, then until s/he takes the dress off, obviously. Otherwise changes are permanent and "natural" and will have to be addressed with magic/science/massive plastic surgery as any other problem might be.

Waaaaah. I don't want to play!
That's cool, no one is forcing you. Just don't post to the Weaver's thread. That being said, don't be OOCly rude to anyone who does like this sort of plot.

Anything I forgot?
Let me know! I'm here in this post or AIM me at the above account. It's better to ask and be sure.

plot info

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