Attention: All PoTC players

Jul 08, 2007 22:55

Things have gotten ... interesting.

Jack will be making inquiry regarding the issue soon, but I felt I should explain it better OOC than he likely will IC.
Captain Sparrow's ship was --in an ill-advised attempt to repair her with a stranger's magic-- turned from a wooden vessel to a human girl. As much affection as he felt for the Black Pearl in her human form, Jack could not accept being without his ship (which he feels sure to be the only ship that can sail him from death back to the land of the living) and found the emotions to be overcomplicated. So, he made plans to change her back.
Pearl did not take well to Jack's intentions and, unexpectedly, attacked him and robbed him. She then returned to their world with his piece of eight and claimed to be his successor in the Brethren Court. She has stolen a ship, acquired a crew, and won back the Caribbean which was being fought over in the absence of an acting pirate lord.

Captain Teague has, thanks to Pearl, become aware of the Nexus. He came to Jack and informed him of what's happened and is calling together the Court to discuss naming a tenth Pirate Lord to rule over the sea in the Nexus. Jack has added, as an order of business, determining if Pearl has rightful claim to his territory, though the issue will likely be ignored...since most people seem to like Pearl better.
Jack wants to be named Pirate Lord of the nexus, however, since he is a) currently deceased and b) no longer a Pirate Lord, he will need to have another lord speak on his behalf and, possibly, need to reclaim a place among the living tout suite.

Interested in participating? Want more info?
IM me: BlackSpotJack

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