/timid wave

Apr 25, 2007 18:59

I've been browsing trying to read everything I can, and intro posts seem to be the norm, so I thought I would post here before I got my act together to post to the IC community itself (also because I have a few questions/would like a bit of advice). Anyway -

Hi :) I'm a high school senior/soon to be college student, feel free to call me Sharon instead of by my username here. I spend a lot of my free time writing and especially doodling, I have two pet dogs which are sitting on me right now, etc etc... I needed a place to archive this character's story as my guild switches forum systems and livejournal seemed an appropriate place, as so many of the people I roleplay with already keep IC journals.

So I find the concept of a multiverse really interesting (especially for light, silly RP), but I've mostly roleplayed in either World of Warcraft or on message boards up until this point so I'm a little fuzzy on some points... Is roleplay here communicated mostly verbally? (I get that impression, but is it personal preference? I'm used to describing setting at least a little more so I may come across as awkwardly prolix until I get into the swing of things. If anyone has a few pointers that would be great. :)

Also, to clear up terminology... "mun" is a character's player, correct? And "pup" is a character? And what does it mean when someone says they have put a lock on in comments?

Onto another topic - this character is nobody terribly interesting, he's just my roleplay character from World of Warcraft - a neurotic, bookish little warlock is desperately trying to fool himself into thinking he's one of the good innocents even when he regularly goes out and slaughters people by setting them on fire and making them die of sheer pain. ...he also tends to go read cheezy steamy romance novels instead of studying even when his Master becomes rather angry about this. The story chronicaling his adventures in Warcraft itself is already up in this journal as is his character sheet - hopefully that should give people enough info :)
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